public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mrongos with tags sony & "Fall of Man"

07 November 2006

Some Resistance news from Ted Price's mouth... blog.

Mouthblog. Mmmm. There have been a lot of people asking a lot of questions about the anticipated Resistance: Fall of Man. Questions that, when answered, would no longer be questions. With that not-unflawless logic in mind, Insomniac’s Ted Price has decided to do just that — answer questions. Let’s listen in to the good ones, shall we?

06 November 2006

PS3 launch games super-list

While Sony is apparently waiting until the last minute to announce the PS3 launch title list, the good folks over at have produced the most realistic launch title lis yet. The real question is which games are you going to get?

23 October 2006

Japanese Developers give their thoughts on next-gen consoles

We’ve done this once before, but it’s nice to see if opinions have changed. Since the entire list would be pretty long, you can check out the whole thing if you want. We’ll just cover the Sony end of this business. Yes, sometimes they don’t add up to 100%, we know. There’s always a margin of error. Read on, brave