public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag comportement

August 2005

Améliorez votre site grâce à AJAX - Maurice Bloggue

by 1 other (via)
à l'aide de XMLHttpRequest, il est maintenant possible d'enregistrer les mouvement de la souris pour les analyser plus tard. Mais vous me direz «Cela revient à espionner l'utilisateur!», et bien vous avez raison

July 2005

Unobtrusive Javascript

by 17 others (via)
On the following pages we will discuss and see how we can use Javascript, but still maintain accessibility. The technique to completely separate Javascript from the other two layers of web development has become commonly named "unobtrusive Javascript", as "accessible Javascript" does not quite cut it. You can have a perfectly separated Javascript and still be totally inaccessible.

April 2005 Progressive Enhancement Paving Way for Future

by 1 other (via)
Progressive enhancement is an approach to web design that builds documents for the least capable devices first, then moves on to enhance those documents with separate logic for presentation, in ways that do not place an undue burden on baseline devices but which allow a richer experience for those users with modern graphical browser software.

nhoizey's TAGS related to tag comportement

accessibilité +   ajax +   amélioration +   behavior +   javascript +   présentation +   séparation +   usabilité +   webdesign +   xmlhttprequest +