MOSS 2007 vs. WSS - Sharepoint version comparison
The most basic difference between the two solutions is the upfront investment. In short, WSS is free to most companies whereas MOSS requires a minimum of software purchases and sometimes requires a hardware purchase. Annotated link http://www.diigo.com/bookmark/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.milesconsultingcorp.com%2FSharePoint-Portal-2007-Version-Comparison-between-MOSS2007-and-WSS3.aspx
Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Team Blog : Investing in Logical Architecture Design Samples
(via)The first completed sample is for a typical corporate deployment. This sample design includes:
§ Intranet sites (My Sites, team sites, and published intranet content)
§ Partner Web site
§ Customer Web site (including content deployment across server farms)
Resources for MOSS 2007 Deployments - Implementations - Michael Gannotti
by 1 otherThe Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 team has been had at work publishing content to help clients with their deployments. The following is a listing of articles published over the past 1 ½ months.
WF dans Sharepoint 2007 - NetFxFactory
Le processus de cet article sera une validation de note de frais toute simple. Quelqu'un entre une note de frais dans le système, une tache pour la comptabilité est créée, la personne va sur le site pour voire ses tâches, elle valide la note de frais.
Logiciel de Workflow | Présentation | Solution de Workflow Web, Logiciel de dématérialisation des formulaires et automatisation des procédures, Logiciel de Workflow sans programmation
Le logiciel de workflow Web WorkflowGen vous offre un moyen simple et rapide de traiter la mise en ligne des formulaires (eForm) et des processus associés à leur traitement (Workflow).
Introduction to Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Technology
by 1 other (via)This series of articles on SharePoint is intended to help you understand the capabilities of the product, as well as provide tips and tricks, development ideas, information from Microsoft, information from the community, and perhaps some samples.
Implementing Rich Collaboration Infrastructure Using Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server 2003
(via)Learn about the relationship and the differences between Microsoft Windows® SharePoint™ Services and Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003. Use this information to decide whether to deploy Windows SharePoint Services alone or with SharePoint Portal Server 2003.
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