10 April 2006
PhotoShop Massive List Of Plugins, Filters, Brushes, Actions & Gradients - TutorialTomb Forums
by 7 others"It's amazing as to the amount of time and effort that people put into making plug-ins, filters, actions, brushes and such and then make them available to whomever wants them at no cost. All of the following are the "best of the best" and each one has received the highest rating from Adobe, and they are all free. I do not think that there are many items out there, that you have to pay for, that are better than the following... "
04 April 2006
Optimize performance in Photoshop (Mac OS) - Support Knowledgebase
From Adobe's official website.
15 March 2006
How To Whiten Teeth And Eyes - Retouching Portraits | PhotoshopSupport.com
Several different methods of whitening eyes and teeth in Photoshop.
(3 marks)