public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from okoel

April 2006

March 2006

Fran 私觀點:【二十世紀中文小說一百強】

前幾天在逛信義誠品的時候,看到某本書的書衣上,推薦該作者的作品入選《亞洲週刊》的「二十世紀中文小說一百強」。 當下不免好奇,中文小說一百強?是哪一百強?這一百強又是誰評定的?評斷的標準又是? 返家後,請出Google大神,才知道,這一百強的評斷過程是:『《亞洲週刊》編輯部列出500餘本小說作為參考名單,再由14位評選委員根據書單選出百強。14位評委由來自兩岸三地、新加坡、馬來西亞及美國的作家學者共同組成,分別為中國大陸的余秋雨、王蒙、王曉明、劉再復、謝冕,台灣的王杏慶(南方朔)、施叔青,美國的鄭樹森、王德威,香港的劉以鬯、黃繼持、黃子平,馬來西亞的潘雨桐,新加坡的黃孟文。』

Fran 私觀點:【二十世紀百大英文小說】

【二十世紀百大英文小說】 既然已經介紹了「二十世紀中文小說一百強」,當然也要介紹「二十世紀百大英文小說」(The Hundred English Novels of The 20st Century),尤其,《亞洲週刊》是因為先有了這份英文百大的書單,才興起了要做中文百強的念頭。

January 2006

5imple WinAmp

Winamp by Snowman

Seffy Winter Edition

WindowBlinds by yingjunjiu

Dub Fi Dub


projectMecha v1

LiteStep by Whakka

Asamov | WB

WindowBlinds by vision league and Snowman

Blaues Fleisch

Winamp by blueslaad

Resident OS

Visual Style by Mohsin Naqi

December 2005


Visual Style by Mohsin Naqi

Asamov VS

Visual Style by visionleague and Max

Asamov Styler

Styler by visionleague and Max

Asamov ColorPad

ColorPad by visionleague and Max

Asamov Y'z Toolbar

Y'z Toolbar by visionleague and R I P

Asamov | Smove

Wallpaper by visionleague and R I P

Asamov Rainlendar

Rainlendar by visionleague and Nylons

Asamov Rainmeter

Rainmeter by visionleague and Nylons

Winter Holiday Icons

Icon by

DIVISION holiday

Wallpaper by - DioS -

okoel's TAGS


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animation   architecture   artist   book   cg   colorpad   computer   css   cursor   cursorxp   design   education   english   firefox   free   google   howto   icon   internet   ipod   italy   itunes   litestep   medical   nba   photo   podcast   rainlendar   rainmeter   skin   software   standford   style   styler   Suite   template   tool   toolbar   typography   vector   video   visual   vodcast   wallpaper   web   webpage   winamp   windowblinds   xbox360   yz