RDFa - ESW Wiki
How do I put bibliographic metadata (as Dublin Core) in my HTML document?
Semantic Web labs des Petites Cases
Cette page a vocation à rassembler toutes les expériences concernant les technologies du Web sémantique effectuées dans le cadre de mon blog les petites cases.
Ces exemples n'ont aucune prétention autre que pédagogique et démonstratif. Leur pérennité n'est pas garantie.
by 1 otherThis guide aims to show examples of use of all Python Library Reference functions, methods and classes. At this point, only the more widely used modules were added and only functions use examples are given. Python version 2.5 was used for examples unless noted otherwise
Exemples d'utilisation de Dbpedia
(via)Cette page rassemble une série d'exemples d'utilisation de DBpedia.org, qui propose les données de Wikipedia sous une forme structurée grâce à RDF
Skaaz Project | H_I
Un petit Skaaz isolé.
Le site se rapproche de Personality Forge, mais en mieux pensé.
Layout Gala: a collection of 40 CSS layouts based on the same markup and ready for download!
by 104 others (via)In November 2005 I presented on pro.html.it a three-part article on creating CSS layouts using techniques like negative margins, any order columns and in some case opposite floats. The main goal of the article was getting the maximum number of layouts based on the same markup, each with valid CSS and HTML, without hacks nor workaround and a good cross-browser compatibility. The result is a set of 40 layouts that we've thought worth sharing: on each of them you'll find also a download link (if you want, you can download the entire collection, 40 HTML pages in a single zip file). Further details can be found below the gallery.
Graphics Pad
Exemples de SVG, dont certains animés.
SVG-Whiz! Home
The intent of SVG-Whiz! is to promote the use of SVG, to provide examples of how to do tasks in SVG, to provide tools for authoring SVG, and to talk about experiments and proposals with SVG. SVG-Whiz! is also the name of one of my tools, a graphical WYSIWYG browser-based SVG editor, written in SVG and ECMAScript, and which can be found in the Tools section.
Effets javascript avec Prototype et Scriptaculous - Prendre un Café
(via)On a vu fleurir moult trolls velus à propos du web 2.0 et sa débauche d'AJAX et de javaScript inaccessibles, je ne les nourrirai pas ici. Par contre et pour ceux que ça interesse, les librairies prototype et script.aculo.us proposent des outils et effets très sympathiques. Voici quelques exemples très simples d'utilisation.
(10 marks)