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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag forum



About the game. Heroes of War and Money - free online game | flash game, real time strategy online. Heroes of War And Money

Heroes of War and Money" appeared in May 2008. Created by a group of people, fascinated with HMM-style world of fantasy and adventure, the game has now grown. People from all over the planet become part of a breathtaking and intriguing world of ancient creatures and heroes. We hope that this free gamewould allow you to dip into the magic and might atmosphere again and again. In course of developing your character, you can participate in single, multiplayer, and soon enough even clan fights. For strategy & economy fans, there is a vast economic model available. Be it a short pause between fight or a complete dedication to the merchant's career, you will be able to quarry and machine dozens of resources types, produce and trade hundreds of artifacts. The game is supported by all modern browsers (Mozilla Firefox is recommended). Usage of newest Flash technologies allows creating most impressing battles without installing any additional files or clients on your computer. Due to that the game requirements for your PC's characteristics and your Internet connection are minimal. Those who use dial-up and GPRS connections will be pleased to know that the game consumes a low amount of traffic. For more information, select a desired section of the game reference from the menu on the left. Please also feel free to ask anything you wonder about at the forum or in the chat.

Nabble - Help - What is Nabble?

Nabble wants to improve public discussions on the web. This includes forums, user groups, message boards, and mailing lists. There are many vibrant discussions in these places, so are problems such as cluttered UI, broken search, moderation, and cataloging. Nabble wants to be a place where your discussion can grow and be free of these problems.

Groupe Utilisateur de Windows Vista - Blogs

Le GUWiV (Groupe Utilisateur de Windows Vista) est une association de loi 1901 dont l'objectif est de rassembler les utilisateurs et décideurs informatiques autour de la nouvelle version du système d'exploitation de Microsoft : Windows Vista.

Pour nos RDV internes et le Usability Day 2008 : Forum Ouvert - Open Space Technology ... ALLONS-Y ! . Conseil en Ergonomie Informatique, Agilité et Qualité logiciel: QualityStreet

Vous en avez assez des conférences monotones, voire ennuyeuses, des présentations traditionnelles distantes, souvent statiques, et des sessions de questions / réponses inaudibles ou expédiées par manque de temps... alors ADOPTEZ le format "Forum ouvert".


Nabble - Free Forum Hosting

by 10 others
Nabble offers free forum hosting and mailing list archiving.


FORUM MP | Intelligence artificielle ( IA ) : Betabot le chatterbot

Le but du projet "Betabot" est de créer un chatterbot capable d'apprendre tout et n'importe quoi suivant la logique de son éducateur. Par exemple, il doit être possible de lui apprendre n'importe quel langage, que ce soit le français, l'anglais, n'importe quelle langue (même des langages inventés). L'intelligence artificielle interviendra plus tard et permettra entre autre de simuler des raisonements, des décisions, des choix ... sur les réponses à fournir à l'interlocuteur.

svg-developers : SVG Developers

by 1 other
SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, an XML graphics language designed by the W3C, which can be used as static or animated iages, or which can be scripted. This is a mailing list and web forum for anyone who is interested in developing SVG content, or in helping others solve development problems in either the SVG format or in scripting.


Faux Rhums #[email protected] -> #IA : Intelligence Artificielle

Ce salon a pour but de réunir des passionnés de "robots parlants intelligents".

Yahoo! Groups : chatterboxchallenge

Un groupe Yahoo! concernant le Chattebox Challenge.

parmentierf's TAGS related to tag forum

chatterbot +   collaboratif +   conférence +   dev +   ergonomie +   firefox +   flash +   français +   free +   gratuit +   heroes +   ia +   internet +   irc +   jeu +   liste +   microsoft +   news +   svg +   vista +   web +   windows +   xml +