October 2008
June 2008
Create a free website | Free Myspace layouts | Flash Myspace layouts
by 13 others (via)Wix is a free flash design tool. It enables users to create Flash-based websites without any programing skills, and publish those sites anywhere on the web. The output can also be widgetized and published on social networks.
February 2008
Issuu - You Publish
by 25 others, 1 comment (via)Have a document? Simply upload it to Issuu. It's free, and you can post it anywhere. On your website, blog and even on Myspace and Facebook
Shindig - an Apache incubator project for OpenSocial and gadgets
by 4 others (via)Shindig is a new project in the Apache Software Foundation incubator and is an open source implementation of the OpenSocial specification and gadgets specification.
September 2007
Tutoriel : Premiers pas avec le Google Widget Toolkit
Le moteur de recherche a dessiné cette infrastructure pour le développement d'applications Internet riches. Présentation de son architecture, et décryptage de ses avantages et inconvénients.
July 2007
yourminis :: widgets :: Video
The Video widget lets you add photos and/or videos to your site or start page. After selecting the photo widget add the URL for an image or video on the web and it will display inside of the video widget. You can then add a link URL to the photo or video. You can move and resize the photo/video in your start page, rotate it by clicking and dragging the lower left corner, and use it to create cool photo/video collages. You can also customize the appearance of the widget by clicking on the color picker icon to change the background color and add a transparency level.
March 2007
FredCavazza.net : Vers des widgets universels grâce à Netvibes UWA
by 2 othersC'est ce week-end que Netvibes a officiellement lancé son environnement de production de widget universel : Netvibes UVA.
TechCrunch en français » Google ajoute la messagerie dans les pages personnelles
Google vient d’annoncer l’intégration de leur service de messagerie instantanée Google Talk dans leur service de page personnelle Google IG.
(9 marks)