public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ramage with tag tagging

May 2005 » spreads tagging fever

full version of article on published 16.05.05 in Toronto Star

Headshift's.taggable interface for BBC News

Headshift | social tagging for the BBC

by 1 other
discusses another tagging interface for BBC News that also pulls in content from, Technorati and Flickr BBC NEWS | News Front Page

by 1 other
interface enabling users to tag BBC news stories - imagine this done for other online news providers

April 2005

Library clips :: Social bookmarks so far%u2026 :: April :: 2005

by 2 others
Good article on folksonomies and the present state/future possibilities of tagging

Tag Central

by 9 others
an honest stab at searching, cross-app, by tag

March 2005

Advancing Insights: Glossary of terms

...lots of little chequered [] images....

Advancing Insights: Ideascape

Ideascape is an Internet-Managed Service for creating dynamic, interactive meeting places on the net. Meeting places that make a deep-web presence possible free, tag-based, wish list community

by 8 others is a place you can keep a running list of things you would love to have! And as your friends and family sign up (remember, it's free) you will be able to suggest gift ideas for each other and check on what items they might have received befo tag search

by 12 others
This form allows you to look up links that are tagged with one or more subjects.

Desire lines

Desire lines are the foot-‍worn paths that sometimes appear in a landscape over time.

David Galbraith, of Wist, on Wist

ongoing aim to ...slowly evolve a tool for managing and syndicating image headlines.