April 2006
June 2005
Python Package atmqty
This package contains methods to calculate atmospheric quantities (on the Earth) that are directly derivative (i.e. not requiring time integration or modeling) from standard state variables.
WHOI : Oceanus : Fathoming the ocean without ever going to sea
Interview with Joe Pedlosky
Mac OS X for Oceanographers and Atmospheric Scientists
Nice, nice...
Doron Nof, PhD - Physical Oceanography at Florida State University
"Oceanographers Say Winds May Have Parted the Waters"
May 2005
Rob Hetland’s web journal
Ultimate Citizen: Make a THREDDS catalog
of your DODS-served data so folks can view it with tools like the IDV.
These are simple XML files that just tell tools like IDV the protocol and
location of the data. Check out an example at:
Python: module __init__
(via)The Shallow Water Ocean Model (swom) is designed as a toolbox to develop
Arakawa A through D grid numerics for the shallow water equations.
Python seawater package
The seawater package provides basic functions in Python for physical properties of sea water.
April 2005
February 2005
Sequence of pictures from the tsunami.
January 2005
ds759.3 Free Data: Sign In
Data data data
Lagrangian Analysis and Prediction of Coastal and Ocean Dynamics
2005 meeting in Italy.
Tsunami - Kalutara Beach, Sri Lanka
Before/after satellite pictures of the tsunami.
November 2004
Modern pirates
Re: Calculating stream function from known velocity field.
Google is god.
Ocean Science - Home
New journal, free online.
October 2004
Variability of the sea surface temperature
Interesting article.
Introduction to Physical Oceanography : Chapter 4 - Atmospheric Influences
Wind and wind stress.
September 2004
South Atlantic Anomaly.
Jornal da Globo
Materia sobre oceanografos.
July 2004
COARDS netCDF profile
Specification of time units for NetCDF files.