February 2008
Caucho Resign
by 1 otherThe Resin® high-performance, open source application server features load balancing for increased reliability. Caucho's Quercus® is a reliable, 100% Java implementation of the PHP language allowing developers to use PHP flexibility for the web interface and Java for stability.
May 2007
March 2007
Using JavaServer Faces Technology with AJAX
The Java 2 Enterprise Edition includes JavaServer Faces technology, which provides a mature and extensible user interface component model. The design of this model makes it easy for application developers to create custom components by extending the standard components included with JavaServer Faces technology and to reuse these components across applications.
January 2007
Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project
by 3 othersThe Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) project extends the Eclipse platform with tools for developing J2EE Web applications. The WTP project includes the following tools: source editors for HTML, Javascript, CSS, JSP, SQL, XML, DTD, XSD, and WSDL; graphical editors for XSD and WSDL; J2EE project natures, builders, and models and a J2EE navigator; a Web service wizard and explorer, and WS-I Test Tools; and database access and query tools and models.
JBoss IDE for Eclipse Downloads
JBoss IDE for Eclipse tools are available through the Eclipse Install/Update Manager or as a zip bundle (below). Installing JBoss IDE for Eclipse using the Eclipse Install/Update manager is preferred since it allows the automatic notification and download of future JBoss IDE for Eclipse releases. To learn how to install/upgrade JBoss IDE for Eclipse, please refer to the JBoss IDE for Eclipse Installation Guide. The following download bundles are for those who do not wish to use the Eclipse Install/Update Manager.
How to Develop a J2EE-Compliant Web Service (endpoint + client)
This Howto describes how to create a Web Service Endpoint and a J2EE client that uses this web service. The endpoint will provide a method for computing the compound interest from an initial investment, an interest rate (percent) and a time quantity.
Réalisation d'un héritage avec des EJB Entiy CMP
La technologie de persistance objets J2EE, les Entity, a beaucoup évolué depuis sa création. Il reste pourtant toujours une des bases de la théorie objet qui n'est pas couverte : l'héritage. Cette faiblesse est souvent un argument utilisé par les détracteurs des EJB Entity. Ce besoin est pourtant plus un confort des technologies objets qu'une nécessité. Mais, comme avec l'ensemble des technologies J2EE, un bon design patterns nous rendra accessible cette fonctionnalité.
Turn EJB components into Web services
The evolution of Web-related technologies has changed the way applications in an organization communicate with customer and partner applications. Like every popular technology, Web services came like a wave and have assimilated deeply into IT organizations. Having revolutionized the IT world, Web services are here to stay. Thus, to compete in the market space, certain parts of your enterprise applications must be exposed as Web services.
EJB: Learn EJB, EJB 2.1
by 1 otherConsidering what they are, Enterprise JavaBeans are "easy". As of EJB 2.0 they became even easier. And as of EJB 2.1 you can generate Web services from EJBs. You could say EJBs are too easy. You can create EJBs using an IDE with just a few mouse clicks. What could be easier?
A major value of EJBs is their contribution to a set of business standards. EJBs enable scalable distributed transactions and connection to a vast array of Internet services - a modern version of what mainframe transaction systems used to do. However, no matter how easy EJBs may look, you need to be discressionary and careful about usign them.
Scalability and distributed services, the platform architecture for EJB and J2EE have been a complex undertaking. And to understand how to write, integrate, and deploy EJBs, you need to understand this platform architecture.
The Java EE 5 Tutorial
The JavaTrademarked EE 5 Tutorial is a guide to developing enterprise applications for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5). Here we cover all the things you need to know to make the best use of this tutorial.
The J2EE 1.4 Tutorial
The J2EETrademarked 1.4 Tutorial is a guide to developing enterprise applications for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) version 1.4. Here we cover all the things you need to know to make the best use of this tutorial.
Container-Managed Persistence Examples
(via)An entity bean with container-managed persistence (CMP) offers important advantages to the bean developer. First, the EJB container handles all database storage and retrieval calls. Second, the container manages the relationships between the entity beans. Because of these services, you don't have to code the database access calls in the entity bean. Instead, you specify settings in the bean's deployment descriptor. Not only does this approach save you time, but also it makes the bean portable across various database servers.
Démarrer avec JOnAS
L'objectif de ce manuel est de guider l'utilisateur tout au long de l'installation de JOnAS et de lui permettre de faire fonctionner une première application à base d'EJB. Il permet également d'aider à exécuter une application plus complexe utilisant les EJB pour accéder à une base de données.
Développer des Enterprise JavaBeans
by 3 othersCe tutorial est en stand by, nous désormais sur le projet JOFFAD
pour lequel nous sortirons sous peu un tutorial ( EJB, Struts, JUnitEE.... ).
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour participer à JOFFAD !
J2EE Patterns Catalog
by 2 others (via)Each pattern in this catalog includes sample code from JavaTM BluePrints reference applications such as the Java Pet Store sample application.
by 5 others (via)The GlassFish community is building free, open source, production-quality, enterprise software. The main deliverables are an Application Server, the Java EE 5 Reference Implementation, and the Java Persistence API Reference Implementation, TopLink Essentials. The community also delivers Maven Repository, tools and much more.
Patterns J2EE / EJB - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones
by 1 otherPattern pour utiliser les EJB 2 (avec notamment l'architecture d'un système de cache avec des EJB CMP utilisant un JMS)
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) focuses on making development easier, yet retains the richness of the J2EE 1.4 platform. Offering new and updated features such as Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) Technology 3.0, JavaServer Faces (JSF) Technology, and the latest web services APIs, Java EE 5 makes coding simpler and more straightforward, but maintains the power that has established Java EE as the premier platform for web services and enterprise application development.
An Introduction to the Java EE 5 Platform
by 1 other (via)With version 5 of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE, formerly referred to as J2EE), development of Java enterprise applications has never been easier or faster. J2EE 1.4, the predecessor to the Java EE 5 platform, has many powerful features. The aim of the Java EE 5 platform design has been to streamline these features and add convenience, improve performance, reduce development time, and help developers get products to market that much sooner.
The Simplicity of EJB 3.0
(via)Over the past few years, the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) specification has evolved significantly. In the early days of EJB, application developers faced a burden of overwhelming complexity: they had to manage several component interfaces, deployment descriptors, and unnecessary callback methods; work within the limitations of the EJB Query Language (EJBQL); and learn and implement the design patterns used to overcome the limitations of the specification.
Apache Struts
by 4 othersAn open source framework for building Servlet/JSP based web applications based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm [Open Source, BSD-like]
Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans Third Edition
(via)Published in January 2005, the best-selling book Mastering EJB is now in its third edition and has been updated for EJB2.1 and also features new chapters on security and Web services integration. The book is about EJB concepts, methodology and development. This book also contains a number of advanced EJB topics, giving you a practical and real world understanding of the subject. By reading this book, you will acquire a deep understanding of EJB.