public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from s-one with tag video

15 October 2006

The ILLustr8or

"God's infinite creations are fascinating, let me illustrate..." - s-one

08 October 2006

Father-Son bond of Dick and Rick Hoyt

"Dick and Rick Hoyt are a father-and-son team from Massachusetts who together compete just about continuously in marathon races. And if they’re not in a marathon they are in a triathlon — that daunting, almost superhuman, combination of 26.2 miles of running, 112 miles of bicycling, and 2.4 miles of swimming. Together they have climbed mountains, and once trekked 3,735 miles across America. It’s a remarkable record of exertion — all the more so when you consider that Rick can't walk or talk."

s-one's TAGS related to tag video

art +   blog +   christian +   drawing +   photography +   sports +