Vimeo On Demand: Sell your work, your way on Vimeo
Vimeo On Demand is direct-to-fan distribution done the Vimeo way — with all the power of Vimeo’s best-in-class video player, easy-to-use tools, and passionate audience. Creators of all types can distribute their work online, find and connect with audiences, and make more money with a 90/10 revenue split.
Google Gives All Employees Surprise $1,000 Cash Bonus And 10% Raise
(You can sniff that $1,000 isn't much, but it's a lot more than nothing, and spread across 20,000 employees, it's costing the company $20 million. A 10+% raise on a total cost base of $20 billion, meanwhile, will probably cost the company $1 billion a year, assuming a third of those costs are compensation. Judging from an internal memo, the new salary costs will be somewhat offset by reduced bonuses and stock option grants.)
L'Argent Dette de Paul Grignon (Money as Debt FR) on Vimeo
by 5 othersLa dette des gouvernements, des entreprises et des ménages a atteint des proportions astronomiques et enfle de plus en plus démesurément de jour en jour.
D'ou vient tout cet argent ?
Comment peut-il y avoir TANT d'argent à preter ?
La réponse est... qu'il n'y en a pas.
S'il n'y avait PAS DE DETTE
Il n'y aurait PAS D'ARGENT
Si tout ceci vous laisse perplexe, rassurez-vous, vous n'etes pas le seul ou la seule.
Très peu de gens comprennent ce système, meme si nous sommes tous touchés.
Ce long métrage d'animation, dynamique et divertissant, de l'artiste et vidéographe Paul Grignon, explique les effets magiques mais pervers du SYSTEME ACTUEL D'ARGENT-DETTE dans des termes compréhensibles pour tous
Nous vous présentons le chef d'oeuvre de Paul Grignon pour la première fois disponible avec une bande son francaise et textes en francais !
Distribué en DVD par bankster.tv
Smile Banking Demo
by 1 otherOur demo will show you how easy it is to manage your money with smile. You can see how to manage your accounts online, from logging in, to paying bills, to managing your Direct Debits
BBC NEWS | Business | YouTubers to get ad money share
YouTube founder Chad Hurley confirmed to the BBC that his team was working on a revenue-sharing mechanism that would "reward creativity"
Top 25 Web 2.0 Apps for Money, Finance, and Investment
by 1 otherHow do you manage your money? Investments? Do you remember what your roommate owes you, or what you owe someone else for lunch when they picked up the tab? Can't keep track of where you're spending all your money? Pulling your hair out after paying for your medical bills? Need to cut back, so that you can save and find a nice home? Or maybe you'd rather spend your lucre on a vacation for the best price.
Gamelio.com - PC-gaming with money at stake
Gamelio is a new and unique gaming experience. Here you can play your favourite PC games like Counter Strike and Quake for real money in a safe environment. It's easy to connect to the games, and the games are modified so that you can play anytime with anyone logged on. You can choose between three different types of game shoot 'em all, shoot and go, or large tournaments and at the stake level you wish.
New on the Web : Politic as Usual
(via)Here is a listing of some of the most influential bloggers who went to work for campaigns this year, what they were paid according to campaign disclosure documents, and praiseworthy posts about their employers or critical ones of their employers’ opponents.
The AIGA|Aquent Survey of Design Salaries is commissioned annually by AIGA, with the support of its partner, Aquent, AIGA's official sponsor for professional development, and in cooperation with Communication Arts magazine. The salary survey is part of a comprehensive program of AIGA activities developed to serve the professional designer with strategies for success as well as sources of inspiration. AIGA is the principal source of information on the design economy.
MAKE: Blog: The Future of Credit Cards - Earning virtual currency for spending in the real world & other world bridging
by 1 other (via)Very soon, credit card companies and game makers will reward their customers who spend money in the real world using private label "rewards" credit cards. They will use gifts of virtual currency such as Blizzard's World of Warcraft gold and Second Life's Linden dollars.
Welcome to Smile, the internet bank
Vainqueur pour la troisième année consécutive du "Ethical Internet Banking". They guarantee that your money will not be invested in any businesses which fail on Environmental, Human, and Animal Rights Issues, or that are involved in the Arms Trade, the development of GM foods, or tobacco products. Furthermore they actively seek to invest in Fair Trade and labor rights organizations, as well as those companies involved in renewable energies and ecological sustainability.
The Disinvestment Campaign
by 1 other (via)There are many types of alternatives to World Bank bonds as well as to current economic thinking. Below you will find some basic starting points for exploring these ideas.
La Nef, votre partenaire financier pour une économie plus humaine.
by 2 others (via)La Nef est une société coopérative de finances solidaires. Sa mission est de relier, épargnats et emprunteurs autour de projets respectueux de l'homme et de la terre. Elle intervient au moyen de prêts professionnels ou associatifs pour soutenir des projets à caractère social, environmental et culturel grâce à l'argent que lui confient ses 10 00 sociétaires sur des comptes de dépôts à terme ou des comptes bancaires
Groupe ESFIN IDES - Apports de Fonds Propres
by 1 other (via)Privilégier les entreprises éthiques, ayant à leur tête des dirigeants qui expriment une responsabilité sociétale ou environnementale. Pour les coopératives, respecter les statuts de l'économie sociale, c'est-à-dire fournir des fonds propres sans intervenir dans la gestion.
(16 marks)