21 February 2005 15:30
Flight of the Firebirds
The following booklet was one of a large body of publications that General Motors internal publishing group put out. In the 50's in particular, G.M. printed many small books and guides that were free to employees, from books like this to how to set up your home woodshop. G.M. really meant it when they talked about the "G.M. family."
innovatives Vehicles/La Route Automatisée
IMARA / Informatique, mathématiques et automatique pour la route automatisée
21 February 2005 14:45
amcpacer.com: The Pacer Page
1976 Pacer X Convertible?
Austin Steed shared his memories of his 1976 Pacer X "convertible".
AMX-perience / AMC Muscle Cars
American Motors eXperimental
by 1 otherLa Mission Citroën Centre-Asie, surnommée « La Croisière Jaune » par la presse de l'époque, est une aventure mécanique et humaine dont les préparatifs ont mobilisé pendant plusieurs années une centaine de personnes.
(6 marks)