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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag comments


danah boyd | apophenia » Social Steganography: Learning to Hide in Plain Sight

Carmen and her mother are close. As far as Carmen’s concerned, she has nothing to hide from her mother so she’s happy to have her mom as her ‘friend’ on Facebook. Of course, Carmen’s mom doesn’t always understand the social protocols on Facebook and Carmen sometimes gets frustrated. She hates that her mom comments on nearly every post, because it “scares everyone away…Everyone kind of disappears after the mom post…It’s just uncool having your mom all over your wall. That’s just lame.” Still, she knows that her mom means well and she sometimes uses this pattern to her advantage. While Carmen welcomes her mother’s presence, she also knows her mother overreacts. In order to avoid a freak out, Carmen will avoid posting things that have a high likelihood of mother misinterpretation. This can make communication tricky at times and Carmen must work to write in ways that are interpreted differently by different people.

2011 Adds Wordpress, Twitter And Facebook Comments (In That Order)

Following in the footsteps of commenting systems Echo, Disqus and Intense Debate, has launched WordPress, Twitter and Facebook authorization and identity systems for its own commenting platform, in that order. The blog host didn’t even have the option before.

Defuse | Fluid Interfaces

Defuse is a new method for navigating and participating in online discussions. Previous designs for online discussion were successful under the assumption that participation would be limited to tens or at most hundreds of participants. Emergent social conventions have been able to smooth over media as they scale, but ultimately they are limited by the design of a medium itself. Defuse seeks to continue scaling online discussions by adding social, structural, and historical context throughout the interface, and by widening the expressivity of a message to match the user's intention. It does so using a combination of natural language processing, machine learning, visualization, data portraiture, social network analysis, and medium design.


Is This Thing On? - Cognition

Speaking of experiments, there’s our comments section. Everybody knows inline blog comments are going the way of the BBS and Gopher sites of yore. We’re not ready to say “comments are dead” (we’ll leave that for Wired Magazine’s next cover story) but we have noticed the smell, and we’re doing something about it.


DISQUS Comments | Powering Discussion on the Web

by 12 others
Hundreds of thousands of sites, from small blogs to large publications, rely on it to power and manage their discussion communities.


by 11 others, 1 comment
the next generation commenting system. It’s the way to share your content, and watch the live reaction. You can quickly embed Echo on WordPress, Blogger, or any website and turn your static pages into a real-time stream of diggs, tweets, comments and more.

Carsonified » Web Design is a Journey

On the July 9th 2009 we launched a complete redesign of Carsonified and the Think Vitamin blog. I thought it’d be fun to tell you the story of how the new site design evolved and came to life. It was an interesting journey.


by 1 other
the way to share your content, and watch the live reaction. Publishers can quickly embed Echo on any site and turn their static pages into a real-time stream of diggs, tweets, comments, ratings and more.

Socializing - Articles - now features a completely redesigned commenting system that tabs into the power of social networks. Instead of manually typing in your name, you simply press a button. How amazing is that...


YouTube Comment Snob

YouTube Comment Snob is a Firefox extension that filters out undesirable comments from YouTube comment threads. You can choose to have any of the following rules mark a comment for removal

gReader Comments

gReader Comments is a Greasemonkey script-turned-extension for Firefox that brings all Disqus conversations into Google Reader. All entries will have a comment thread (regardless of Disqus integration on that site), but more importantly you will be able to join the existing conversation for blogs that use Disqus.

Feel Free to Comment - Delta Tango Bravo

We just rolled out a new comments system today at Digg. Redesigning one of the busiest and most vibrant comments areas on the web is pretty intimidating. Every day quite a few thousands of people participate in the comments and many more read the comments even if they're not participating. Despite its shortcomings, many people are familiar with the current system and forcing people to adapt to an altered version isn't something I took lightly.

DISQUS | Turn Blog Comments into a Webwide Discussion with a Powerful Comment System

by 2 others
Disqus is a powerful comment system that easily enhances the discussion on websites. In minutes, connect your community with those of over 25,000 other websites. Track conversations across the web, plus bridge discussions with your favorite services such as FriendFeed and Plaxo. Next »

Newsvine - New Comment Threads are Live (For Some People)

Beginning today, we are rolling out a completely rewritten comment system. Some users may notice the changes immediately, and others may notice the new stuff several days later. In other words, this is a rolling release, and since it may contain some bugs, we'd rather only a subsection of the Newsvine population be exposed to it at this time.

Slashdot FAQ - Comments and Moderation

These are just different ways of displaying what can be a rather long list of comments.

Ajaxian » Digg’s new comment system and jQuery

By far the most complex portion of the comments system was how dynamic it was going to be. Threads would be zipping in and out, we’d be creating 90% of the HTML dynamically in the DOM from JSON, posting and editing over AJAX, etc. It was during design that Micah and I also plotted to remove and replace it with the smaller jQuery library. The entire comment system is, in fact, a series of jQuery plugins.

Digg's New Threaded Comment System

Digg has added a new comment system which, in an apparent effort to fight "comment abuse", hides replies automatically. Comments can be expanded either through clicking on 'View Replies' or using the 'Expand Tree' button in 'Comment Display Options'. The Digg Up and Digg Down buttons also have new icons.

JS-Kit: Comments service

The Comments service provides a full-featured commenting engine for your web site. It is implemented as a lightweight widget and is incredibly easy to install on any static or dynamic web page.

Digg the Blog » Blog Archive » New Comments System Released!

Hola! We’re excited to launch the new Comments system – we’ve listened to your requests and feedback and have incorporated many of your suggestions. Some highlights include:

Reader Guide To Lifehacker: Threaded Comments Now at Lifehacker

After months of work behind the scenes, vague promises up front, and half-assed hacks, today we are very excited to take the wraps off exciting new stuff for Lifehacker commenters. In order to make having conversations with your fellow readers here easier, we've just rolled out a major revamp to our site commenting system. Fresh out of the oven, our all-new "threaded comments" system organizes comment replies more logically and makes discussing the post at hand—and other users' reactions to it—easier to do and digest. Hit up any post with comments to start tinkering with the new system yourself, or read on to get the full rundown of what's changed and why.

A visual guide to navigating blog comments | Blog |

by 1 other
I’ve made another improvement to the comments system, and this time I think it’s pretty innovative (well, I think the last one was as well, but I do like this one). This only works 100% correctly in Mozilla, and I’m not sure why. IE and Opera get 90% of the way there, and that’ll do until I figure out what the problem is. Anyway, on to the idea…


Honeypot Captcha

by 2 others
I was thinking about alternative ways to block comment spam the other day and it occurred to me that there’s potentially a simpler solution than the Invisible Captcha approach I wrote about.

sbrothier's TAGS related to tag comments

blog +   facebook +   firefox +   google +   identity +   interface +   javascript +   kids +   language +   plugin +   privacy +   twitter +   ui +   usability +   web services +   web/tech +   webdesign +   wordpress +   youtube +