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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag pc


labs :: wpf :: thirteen23

Welcome to Desktop 2.0! In our labs we explore the latest technologies and continually refine our process. Our latest experiments focus on Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), the next-generation graphics platform for Windows Vista.

MonsieurLâm » Windows Vista, toujours plus de pas assez.

by 1 other
Wooooooh ! Wooohooo ! J’ai passé une SU-PER journée, SU-PER ! Quelle BELLE journée ! Car aujourd’hui, c’est le lancement de Windows Vista ! Ouaiis !” ça casse dur chez Monsieur Lâm ;)

Apple - Boot Camp - Executez Windows sur votre Mac

Boot Camp vous permet d'installer Windows XP sans déplacer vos données Mac, mais vous devrez néanmoins disposer de votre propre version de Windows car Apple ne commercialise aucun logiciel Microsoft Windows ni n'en assure le support technique(1). Boot Camp permet de graver un CD contenant tous les pilotes Windows nécessaires : fini les heures passées sur Internet à rechercher les pilotes !


Portable SLi : Alienware Aurora M9700 : page 1 - CowcotLand

Alors que les systèmes multi-gpu se démocratisent dans nos configurations de bureau, les joueurs adeptes du concept de transportable se sentent lésés, ne pouvant réellement tenir la cadence. C’était sans compter sur Nvidia et leur célèbre système SLi, et surtout LA marque des gamers : Alienware. La firme met en effet son offre à jour en proposant un portable 17 pouces équipé d’un SLi de 7900 GS.

Mediafour | MacDrive 6

MacDrive is the ultimate solution for sharing files between Mac OS and Windows, perfect for graphic design, audio, video, education, digital photography, publishing, word processing, CAD/CAM, database administration and much more.

"BootVis", ou comment accélérer le démarrage de Windows XP ?

by 3 others
Cet utilitaire permet de : * Démarrer Windows XP en 30 secondes * Sortir de l'état d'hibernation (S4) en 20 secondes * Sortir de l'état de veille (S3) en 5 secondes

PC Astuces - services.msc

nettoyage des processus / Gestionnaire des tâches


nettoyage des processus / Gestionnaire des tâches



by 32 others, 1 comment (via)
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems, each with its own display, without special hardware. It's intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own monitor(s). Redirecting the mouse and keyboard is as simple as moving the mouse off the edge of your screen. Synergy also merges the clipboards of all the systems into one, allowing cut-and-paste between systems. Furthermore, it synchronizes screen savers so they all start and stop together and, if screen locking is enabled, only one screen requires a password to unlock them all. Learn more about how it works.

How to turn your dual-monitor PC into a dual mac-PC system

by 1 other
I have what I believe is my dream setup. My office desk has one keyboard and mouse in the middle, and two monitors above. On the left, I have OS X running from my powerbook and on the right, I have Windows XP running on my HP desktop.

sbrothier's TAGS related to tag pc

bd +   cheum +   comics +   hardware +   humor +   interface +   mac +   music +   software +   system +   tools +   ui +   video +   +