A Strange Peanut-Shaped Building Designed by Algorithms | Design | WIRED
The Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, looks like a peanut crossed with a honeycomb. This odd, organic-looking building would’ve never been made if not for the powers of computational design and robotic manufacturing.
Google’s Street View cameras are touring museums and taking weird selfies by accident - Quartz
The curtain slips a bit in the Camera in the Mirror, a new Tumblr project by the Spanish artist Mario Santamaría that collects accidental self-portraits of Google’s hulking cameras while they go about their work. It turns out that museums have a lot of mirrors, and the cameras often photograph themselves in front of them.
Parrot Introduces Oculus Rift-Enabled Drone
The Bebop is tricked out with an HD video camera, built-in GPS, an array of image-stabilizing sensors and Oculus Rift compatibility.
The Trick That Makes Google's Self-Driving Cars Work - Alexis C. Madrigal - The Atlantic
Google's self-driving cars can tour you around the streets of Mountain View, California.
I know this. I rode in one this week. I saw the car's human operator take his hands from the wheel and the computer assume control. "Autodriving," said a woman's voice, and just like that, the car was operating autonomously, changing lanes, obeying traffic lights, monitoring cyclists and pedestrians, making lefts. Even the way the car accelerated out of turns felt right.
Meet DARPA’s new generation of robots – Michael Belfiore – Aeon
The invasion’s already in progress: the only question is when, not if, humanoid robots will work, play and war beside us
LEGO 3D Printer
The LEGO 3D Printer allows you to transform your LEGO Digital Designer creations into real life models. The printer is Arduino controlled and can build any model within a 20x20 grid.
Imprimez votre robot chez vous ! | AMUSEMENT.NET
Fabriquez votre propre robot humanoïde grâce à votre imprimante 3D ! Gael Langevin est en train de créer un robot imprimé en 3D dont les plans sont open source et disponible sur Thingiverse. InMoov est toujours en train d’être construit mais vous pouvez d’ores et déjà imprimer les épaules, biceps et mains du robot. Les autres parties seront disponibles au fur et à mesure de l’avancement de Gael. En plus d’une imprimante 3D, vous aurez besoin d’Arduino, de servo moteurs, de batteries et d’une bonne dose de patience pour venir à bout de ce projet.
LEGO mindstorms EV3 programmable robots controlled by smartphone
unveiled at the 2013 CES in las vegas, LEGO has introduced its third generation of 'mindstorm' programmable robotics platform,
marking the first time that users can program directly onto the 'EV3 intelligent brick'. previously, users could only program the
robots from a computer, running the application through the robot. powered by an by an ARM processor with a linux operating system,
the 'brick' integrates 16 MB of embedded flash memory, 64MB of RAM, and an SD expansion slot. using USB 2.0, wi-fi and bluetooth
and four additional ports, the EV3 system becomes compatible with iOS and android, letting users control their creations through
smartphones or tablets.
The Sculpture of Christopher Conte
While a strong connection with future technologies is present in all of Chris’ work, ancient techniques such as lost-wax bronze casting have become an integral part of the process as well. The process involved in creating just one sculpture can often take weeks or even months.
Musée des arts et métiers : Expositions temporaires
Du rêve ancien de l'automate aux robots chirurgiens, les androïdes et autres êtres artificiels dévoilent tous leurs secrets dans l'exposition Et l'Homme créa... le robot au Musée des arts et métiers, du 30 octobre 2012 au 3 mars 2013.
Une exposition inédite dédiée à celui qui peut apprendre, raisonner, interpréter, s'adapter et développer ses capacités: Le robot !
Belkin : Wemo
(via)WeMo is a family of simple, ingenious products that allow you to control home electronics from anywhere. Turn them on or off, trigger them with motion, even put them on a schedule.
“Tomorrow Never Knows” | First shots
An interactive documentary series, an international online community, a time visualization tool, a six month event...
Tomorrow Never Knows is an innovative project to understand what we can wish, expect or fear from technology in the coming 50 years.
AREAWARE Cubebot - Medium - Style # DWC1, Modern and contemporary kid's accessories at SWITCHmodern.com
Robot toys are usually made of plastic and require batteries - but not this one! Inspired by the Japanese Shinto Kumi-ki puzzles, the Cubebot is a non-traditional take on the toy robot by joining ancient Japanese traditions with contemporary toy culture.
Plateforme de partage de l'information dans le domaine de la robotique. Robots, humanoides, drones, avatars, telepresence, vie artificielle
RoboSavvy - Home
We are a UK company specializing in sales, distribution and support of Advanced Robotic products for the Hobby, Education and Research markets worldwide.
Visit our Online Store and participate in the most popular Online Community of Robot Builders in our Forums.
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