public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tag "debt help"

May 2009

Ask For the Right Financial Details

by 1 other
Looking for the truth to confirm your financial decisions? Then try employing a financial professional. But finding out the proper financial information is the critical step in securing that your advices from your professional is indeed the right finan...

January 2009

Debt Problems? Read this if you're thinking of bankruptcy

by 1 other
25 per cent of the UK adult population are saying their financially out of control with a major number, around one million three hundred thousand people, admitting their finances are entirely unmanageable, a report by the insurer AXA says.

Debt Management is it the only solution out of this debt problem?

by 1 other
A report out from the UK Insurer AXA suggests the UK public is drowning in debt with 11.6 million people (25 per cent of the adult population) saying are under pressure financially with a momentous number, around one million three hundred thousand peop...

Debt Problems? Is Debt Management the only solution?

by 1 other
25 per cent of the UK adult population are saying their financially out of control with a major number, around one million three hundred thousand people, admitting their finances are entirely unmanageable, a report by the insurer AXA says.

Is Debt Management the only solution out of this debt problem?

by 1 other
Are we in the UK drowning in Debt? According to the insurer AXA, some 11.6 million people (25 per cent of the adult population) are said to be struggling financially with a significant number, around 1.3 million people, admitting their finances are ent...