public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tag "domain names"

March 2009

Do You Need Help on Choosing the Right Domain Names?

by 1 other
Domain names to website is as important as book covers are to novels. Your domain name should be attractive enough for web surfers to increase the desire to click it while they surf on the net.

December 2008

Is Defender Hosting a good company for VPS services?

by 1 other
[email protected] asked: Is Defender Hosting a good company for VPS services? I have heard that their CEO is a bit crooked, and has a habit of stealing domain names from clients. I want a company whose reputation is trustworthy.Choosing ...

Flipping Domains For Fast Profits - Things You Can Do

by 1 other
When it comes to you earning an income online there are plenty of things you can do. You can build your own website where the ads shown on it provide an income to you. Or you can earn commission or the full amount by selling a particular product. On...

November 2008

Building a Membership Site? Choose the Right Hosting Company

by 1 other
Have you ever dreamed of starting your own membership site? Some say it's the best way to make money on the Internet, so why not? Well, let's make sure you have the right tools for the job! Starting a membership web site is possible but you will need a...

What stopped any single company from buying up all the good domain names in the Internets beginning?

by 1 other
rpyszk asked: Example lets say you were a company that had the ability to create domain names to sell….. what stopped any particular company from creating and hold for themselves all the good one word www names like … , autos.c...

Building a Membership Site? Choose the Right Hosting Company

Starting a membership site is impossible if you do not have a hosting company that offers you the right tools to run your web site. At minimum the hosting company should allow you the ability to create forms, set up an ecommerce site, community develop...