public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tag "interest rates"

02 March 2009

Getting the best mortgage for a home purchase

by 1 other
You've made the decision to buy a house and get a place of your own. With this decision usually comes the financial obligation of a mortgage. Buying a house is not only a big life decision, it is also a big financial decision. Because of the fact that ...

19 February 2009

How to get the best mortgage when buying a house

by 1 other
Getting a mortgage is a big financial decision. Getting a home goes hand in hand with this decision. A mortgage takes a while to pay off, so you need to think long and hard about the kind of mortgage you will choose for your home purchase.

04 February 2009

Credit Card Fees And Interest Rates

by 1 other
Many American consumers have recently defaulted on their credit cards. Recent hurricanes along with high gas prices have affected consumers. However, having to pay more for gas should not be enough to push you over the edge, if you are using your credi...

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