25 January 2009
5 Facts About Customer Service On The Internet
The quality of the internet e-tail service is the real thing that a e-tail business should keep in view. However, firms face several problems in understanding the context of web based commerce. Current notions of service quality and delivering quality ...
16 January 2009
Discover The 4 P's of Internet Marketing Mix
Traditionally the marketing mix is co-ordinated so efficient product, price, promotion and place strategies are developed for products purchased over the counter. The internet is changing the way we sell our products and services. That's a fact. Consum...
15 January 2009
Revolution of supply chain management due to internet
by 1 otherThe traditional vision of Supply Chain management represents only one dimension of a business environment that is growing increasingly multidimensional. Modern day Supply Chain Management is the e-commerce of manufacturing. With the emergence of the In...
08 January 2009
Incredible Method To Integrate Keyword Analysis and SEO
by 1 otherKeyword analysis is the foundation of search engine optimisation and whole SEO campaign built on this. Through the keyword analysis phase you are going to select the keywords which will originate targeted traffic towards your website. It is very import...
14 December 2008
Revealed: The Impact and Issues Of Internet Marketing
by 1 otherWhatever strategy is adopted with respect to technology and marketing, skill development should be an immediate concern because of the long gestation period for investments in human resources. The emerging trend points towards a shift from the mass pro...
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