public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tag retirement

July 2009

The Truth About Beneficiary IRA Accounts

by 1 other
An Inherited IRA or a Beneficiary IRA as it is sometimes known can be opened when an account holder dies. The account is transferred to a named beneficiary from an exiting Tradition, Roth or Simple IRA account. This means that the original contribution...

March 2009

January 2009

Make Good Use of a Retirement Planning Calculator

by 1 other
Calculating your necessities during retirement can be much easier with a retirement planning calculator. It can help you determine how much money you will need each month of your retirement years. Then you will be able to plan accordingly when preparin...

Tips for Planning for Your Retirement

by 1 other
Retirement is a huge milestone in a person's life. Retirement planning is crucial because it will have such an impact on your future. It will not only impact you financially, but in every other way. Because it is so important many questions arise as to...

December 2008

How to use "Owner Financing" for Real Estate investing

by 1 other
Owner financing often produces a winning situation for both the homeowner who is selling the property and for the buyer/investor who wants to purchase the property. Owner financing is when a seller is willing to help finance a real estate transaction b...