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PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tag windows

June 2009 - The Ultimate Tool For Managing Your PC

by 1 other Ultimate Edition - This utility comes packed with options for keeping your system in check. If offers users a file and registry cleaner, along with tools for tweaking your user interface and network.

March 2009

A Review Of The Upcoming Operating System Windows 7

Microsoft has learned from it's previous experience with Vista and is rolling out a new operating system called Windows 7. Windows Vista has such a bad reputation that Microsoft felt compelled to come out with a new operating system.

January 2009

Microsoft's New Operating System Windows 7

by 1 other
The next operating system that Microsoft will release is called Windows 7. It is said that Microsoft has learned from the bad public reception of their last Windows Vista operating system and that Windows 7 promises to change that again.

December 2008

What Is An Operating System

by 1 other
Windows, Linux or Mac OS X are operating systems. They are the backbone of a computer system managing the computer hardware and software. It controls the computer after the BIOS has been loaded by loading drivers to support the hardware and software pr...

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computer +   disks +   microsoft +   operating system +   Other - Computers +   scan registry +   Windows 7 +