May 2005
Le : L'univers des blogs, ses habitants, ses rites, son langage
Blogs in Le Monde! And it seems the word "blog" is no longer acceptable in French; now we have to say "bloc", short for "bloc notes", despite the fact that I've never heard anyone use that expression before. What's wrong with "carnet" if they really want a French word?
April 2005
Le français dans le monde
Où placer les pronoms personnels compléments ?
February 2005
Le Conjugueur
by 9 others (via)Online tool for conjugating French verbs. Firefox plug-in also available
December 2004
dictionnaire en ligne français & toutes langues LEXILOGOS >>
by 16 othersmots et merveilles des langues d'ici et d'ailleurs
November 2004
August 2004
Blogomath | Blogs selon leur popularité dans Google
by 4 othersA list of the most popular blogs in French, according to Google
(8 marks)