24 July 2006
Inside Open Source: A Quick Tutorial of PEAR DB
So you’ve written a great application with PHP and it is up and running smooth. Then, your boss calls and tells you that your company won’t be using MySQL anymore. You’re moving to Oracle. Your application is dead in the water. You should have used
ADOdb Database Abstraction Library for PHP (and Python) for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Firebird, Interbase, LDAP, Access, VFP, DB2 and many other databases
by 11 othersADOdb Database Abstraction Library for PHP (and Python).
Introduction to Oracle - Tutorial Series - 1/5
SQL*Plus — schemata — data types — DML & DDL examples — editing commands — using external files — the dual pseudo-table — introduction to transactions — optional exercise — references.
20 July 2006
Oracle Tutorial
An Introduction to Oracle: Tutorial Series
(4 marks)