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PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tag canvas


tldraw computer

An infinite canvas for natural language computing Create workflows of connected components that generate and transform data, using a multi-modal language model as a runtime to execute instructions.


How Flipboard Chose Form Over Function For Their Web Version , on FarukAt.eş

There is certainly plenty of room for improvement in the performance of the DOM and animations, and I want us to have a technical future wherein such flashy animations can be applied to user interfaces without so much as a shrug. But sacrificing the DOM’s greatest virtues is something that cannot and should not ever be a requirement to get us there.

60fps on the mobile web — Flipboard Engineering

Flipboard launched during the dawn of the smartphone and tablet as a mobile-first experience, allowing us to rethink content layout principles from the web for a more elegant user experience on a variety of touchscreen form factors

Flipboard/react-canvas · GitHub

React Canvas adds the ability for React components to render to canvas rather than DOM.

zynga/scroller @ GitHub

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Accelerated panning and zooming for DOM and Canvas



CutJS is lightweight, fast and interactable 2D HTML5 rendering engine for game development, it is open-source, cross-platform and compatible with modern browsers and mobile devices.

deakster/impact-imageblender · GitHub

Tint your images in ImpactJS on the client side. Uses the 'multiply' blending mode to colourize each pixel.

CamanJS - Javascript Image Manipulation

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CamanJS is (ca)nvas (man)ipulation in Javascript. It's a combination of a simple-to-use interface with advanced and efficient image/canvas editing techniques.


Aristochart - Sophisticated Javascript charts.

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Aristochart is highly customizable and flexible line charting library for canvas. Aristochart allows you to focus on aesthetic while it manages the data behind the scenes.

Drawscript - convert Illustrator shapes into code

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Drawscript is an extension for Illustrator (a tool from Adobe® Creative Cloud) It generates graphics code from vector shapes in realtime.

Animate your HTML5

Animate your HTML5 with CSS3, SVG, Canvas and WebGL


iPhone 5 website teardown: How Apple compresses video using JPEG, JSON, and <canvas>

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The "Design" page for iPhone 5 includes an auto-playing video of the device being unlocked. But there's no video element, just a canvas. And if you check the "Network" tab of the inspector, you won't find any video there either. But you will find some strange JPEG images:

video + canvas = magic | HTML5 Doctor

You’ve already learned about the video and canvas elements, but did you know that they were designed to be used together? In fact, the two elements are absolutely wondrous when you combine them! I’m going to show off a few super-simple demos using these two elements, which I hope will prompt cool future projects from you fellow web authors. (All of these demos work in every modern browser except Internet Explorer.)

Manipulating video using canvas | Mozilla Developer Network

By combining the capabilities of the video element with a canvas, you can manipulate video data in real time to incorporate a variety of visual effects to the video being displayed. This article, adapted from this blog post by Paul Rouget, demonstrates how to perform chroma-keying (also known as the "green screen effect") using JavaScript code.


MIX Online:Ai to Canvas Plug-In

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The Ai->Canvas plug-in enables Adobe® Illustrator® to export vector and bitmap artwork directly to an HTML5 canvas element that can be rendered in a canvas-enabled browser. The plug-in provides drawing, animation and coding options such as events so that you can build interactive, well-designed canvas-based web apps.

canto-js - Project Hosting on Google Code

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An improved API for the HTML CANVAS tag

Applications, games, tools and tutorials for the HTML5 canvas element - Canvas Demos

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Home to applications, games, tools and tutorials that use the HTML 5 canvas element - which allows for dynamic scriptable rendering of bitmap images.


Manipulating video using canvas - MDC

By combining the capabilities of the video element introduced in Firefox 3.1 with a canvas, you can manipulate video data in real time to incorporate a variety of visual effects to the video being displayed. This article, adapted from this blog post by Paul Rouget, demonstrates how to perform chroma-keying (also known as the "green screen effect") using JavaScript code.

srcmax's TAGS related to tag canvas

api +   apple +   audio +   blog +   charts +   css3 +   demo +   effects +   firefox +   flipboard +   game +   html5 +   ia +   illsustrator +   illustrator +   image +   js +   library +   mixage +   mobile +   mozilla +   musique +   no code +   optimization +   react +   scroll +   slideshow +   spectre +   svg +   video +   video interactive +   web audio api +   WebGL +