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PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tag cloud

This year

CodeCarbon is a lightweight software package that seamlessly integrates into your Python codebase. It estimates the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by the cloud or personal computing resources used to execute the code.


Cloud Application Hosting for Developers | Render

Render is a unified cloud to build and run all your apps and websites with free TLS certificates, a global CDN, DDoS protection, private networks, and auto deploys from Git.

Flux Cloud - Start your Web 3.0 Journey

The world famous blog platform now hosted on the decentralized Web 3.0. Take your blogging to the next level and beyond the way it was meant to be!


Solutions d'hébergement cloud sur un Platform as a Service magique

Scalingo est un PaaS souverain Français qui permet d'héberger magiquement votre application sans avoir à gérer de serveurs. L'hébergement cloud devient facile et instantané. Scalingo autonomise les équipes de développeurs pour qu'elles gèrent elles-mêmes le déploiement continu de leurs projets web.


Deploy complex application, seamlessly | Qovery

Deploy complex application, seamlessly Just push your code, we handle the rest



Osones | Experts Cloud Computing

Bienvenue chez de vrais passionnés du Cloud. Pure Players du Cloud Computing depuis 2013, nos équipes ont l'expertise et les ressources pour accompagner les entreprises de toutes tailles.



ExpanDrive for Mac & Windows | SFTP, Dropbox, Google Drive, S3, OneDrive,, WebDAV, Swift as Network Drive

Map or Mount Amazon Cloud Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, SFTP, WebDAV, S3 and more as a Network Drive. Seamless access to files without sync.

NetDrive - The Network Drive for Windows (FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Google Drive, Dropbox,, S3, OneDrive, OpenStack)

Direct access to cloud storage from your desktop Manage FTP, WebDAV and NAS servers as virtual drives Connect Google Drive, Dropbox and more Join more than 2 million users worldwide !


Access, share and protect your files, calendars, contacts, communication & more at home and in your enterprise.


Cosmic JS | Cloud-Hosted Content Management Platform, API-First CMS

by 1 other
Cosmic JS is a cloud-hosted content platform that makes it easy to add dynamic content to any website or app.

Cozy, a personal cloud you can hack, host and delete

by 1 other
Cozy, un Cloud personnel que vous pouvez héberger, personnaliser et entièrement contrôler


by 6 others
With ownCloud you can sync & share your files, calendar, contacts and more. Access your data from all your devices, on an open platform you can extend and modify.

Content Management API and CMS

by 4 others
Manage content with your team once, publish it on any screen.

by 3 others is a developer friendly approach to content management. It features a Writing Room for content writers to author, manage and store content, and a Content Query API for developers to integrate managed content into any website or app.

Google Developers Blog: Google Cloud SQL now Generally Available with an SLA, larger databases up to 500GB, and encryption

Google Cloud SQL is a fully managed MySQL service hosted on Google Cloud Platform, providing a database backbone for applications running on Google App Engine or Google Compute Engine. Today, we are announcing Cloud SQL is generally available (GA), now with: encryption of customer data, a 99.95% uptime SLA, and support for databases up to 500GB in size.


MapBox | Fast and beautiful maps

by 6 others
Design maps in the cloud, publish in minutes.


Google Cloud SQL

Run mySQL databases in Google's cloud. Use a fully managed service to maintain and administer your databases, so you can focus more on building your applications and worry less about database management.

Amazon Glacier

Amazon Glacier est un service de stockage à très faible coût qui fournit des capacités de stockage sécurisées et durables pour l'archivage et la sauvegarde des données. Afin de maintenir les coûts au niveau le plus bas, Amazon Glacier est optimisé pour les données auxquelles vous accédez de manière occasionnelle et pour lesquelles un délai d'extraction de plusieurs heures reste acceptable.

Sauvegarder en ligne facilement

Sécurisé. Distant. Et le seul service de sauvegarde qui ne vous demande pas de choisir de dossier ou de types de fichiers. Vous n'aurez pas à vous inquiéter de dépasser une limite de stockage. Backblaze est illimité en bande-passante et en stockage.

srcmax's TAGS related to tag cloud

amazon drive +   api +   backoffice +   backup +   bdd +   carbon +   cd +   ci +   client +   cms +   deploy +   déploiement +   drive +   elastic search +   git +   google +   Google Engine +   hébergement +   hosting +   ia +   inofgerance +   js +   maps +   mysql +   open source +   paas +   private +   rest +   SaaS +   share +   storage +   web +   windows +   wordpress +