GitHub - alsacreations/guidelines: Nos bonnes pratiques internes à l'agence Alsacréations
by 1 otherNos bonnes pratiques internes à l'agence Alsacréations
Cheat Sheets - OWASP
by 2 othersThe OWASP Cheat Sheet Series was created to provide a concise collection of high value information on specific web application security topics. These cheat sheets were created by multiple application security experts and provide excellent security guidance in an easy to read format.
Developer Display Requirements | Twitter Developers
by 1 otherToday’s Tweets are rich living conversations: a user can give feedback to the author, participate in the conversation, and spread the word. For that to happen, Tweets must be shown in a way that meets the user’s expectation - whether on a mobile phone, on a web site, in a desktop application, or anywhere else.
Code Standards | Isobar
by 1 otherThis document outlines our de-facto code standards. The primary motivation is two- fold: 1) code consistency and 2) best practices. By maintaining consistency in coding styles and conventions, we can ease the burden of legacy code maintenance, and mitigate risk of breakage in the future. By adhering to best practices, we ensure optimized page loading, performance and maintainable code.
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