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PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tag php


Kirby is the CMS that adapts to you

Kirby is the content management system that adapts to any project. Made for developers, designers, creators and clients.


mitseo/scraper - Packagist

Parse document with xpath,css selector and regex.


Bolt CMS: Easy for editors, and a developer's dream CMS | Bolt CMS

Bolt is an open source Content Management Tool, which strives to be as simple and straightforward as possible. It is quick to set up, easy to configure, uses elegant templates, and above all: It’s a joy to use.

Directus: Open-Source Headless CMS and API

A headless CMS that manages your content, not your workflow. Directus is an API-driven content management framework for custom databases. It decouples content for use in apps, websites, or any other data-driven projects.

GitHub - php-pm/php-pm: PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications.

by 1 other
PPM is a process manager, supercharger and load balancer for modern PHP applications.


Grav - A Modern Flat-File CMS | Grav

by 1 other
Grav is a modern open source flat-file CMS


Testing PHP Code with Atoum - an Alternative to PHPUnit

If you’ve been around PHP for more than a little while, you’ve no doubt started to test your code. And if you ask anyone in the PHP space what to use for writing unit tests, likely the first answer that they’ll give you is PHPUnit. It’s the de facto standard in the PHP community, and with good reason. But it’s not the only choice. Whilst it does command the lion’s share, other choices abound, one of which I’m going to take you through in this tutorial; it’s called atoum.

Atomic Docs

by 1 other
A style guide generator and component manager.

Lumen - PHP Micro-Framework By Laravel

Lightning fast micro-services and APIs delivered with the elegance you expect. Continuous PHP Performance Testing

Blackfire empowers all developers and IT/Ops to continuously verify and improve their app’s performance, throughout its lifecycle, by getting the right information at the right moment.

October - The PHP platform that gets back to basics.

by 1 other
October is a free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework. A simple and modular CMS that grows with you, with a precise and beautiful interface that comes as second nature.


fzaninotto/Faker · GitHub

by 1 other
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you

cviebrock/discourse-php · GitHub

A PHP class for helping with Discourse's SSO login


The world's easiest way to create high-quality APIs

Fabien Potencier (SensioLabs) : "PHP 7 est à la hauteur de ce que j'attendais" - JDN

Le créateur du framework PHP Symfony est très satisfait des dernières évolutions du langage PHP. Fabien Potencier envisage aussi une levée de fonds aux Etats-Unis.

Gearman fait son job

Gearman est un service de «pool request». Il reçoit d’un côté les demandes de traitement à faire (jobs) et transmet les ordres d’exécution aux workers qui réaliseront la tâche demandée.

markomarkovic/simple-php-git-deploy · GitHub

by 1 other
Automatically deploy the code using PHP and Git

mistic100/RandomColor.php · GitHub

For generating attractive random colors.

microweber/screen · GitHub

Web site screenshot tool based on PHP and PhanotomJS

jonnnnyw/php-phantomjs · GitHub

Execute PhantomJS commands through PHP


Roadiz modern CMS — Hit the road

by 2 others
Roadiz is a modern CMS based on a node system which can handle many types of services. Based on Symfony components and Doctrine ORM, it allows you to create your data schema from scratch and to organise your content as you want.