public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from vacelts with tag christmas

October 2008

Get Lost for Some Fall Fun

It seems like just yesterday we were playing around in the pool in the hot sun. But alas, the dog days of summer are behind us, school has started and fall is here. But just because the days are getting shorter and temperatures are starting to drop doesn’t mean that the outdoor fun has to stop. One great way to enjoy the autumn weather and expend some energy is to get lost.

March 2008

Christmas in March

On Saturday, my children woke up and scurried downstairs to the living room like it was Christmas morning to find a pile of “new toys” much to their delight. What, you say. It’s only March.

December 2007

Mistletoe Etiquette: How to Graceful Manage those Awkward Moments Under the Sprigs

Every year I put mistletoe up in my house. For me, it’s a fun reminder to appreciate the loved ones in my life. I never dreamed that mistletoe came with it’s own etiquette.

Christmas Cookies: Baking up Holiday Memories

Baking cookies at Christmas has been a holiday tradition in my house since I was tall enough to stand on a chair to reach the counter. I have many memories of a delicious-smelling kitchen filled with laughter as I baked with different members of my family - my mother, my sister, my grandmother, my cousins - over the years.

November 2007

10 Steps for Surviving the Writer’s Strike

I watch too much TV. I’m the first to admit it (the first step for conquering any addiction is admitting you have a problem). That said, I don’t actually see myself giving up one of my favorite past times. At least until this strike hit. But as my favorite TV shows go dark one by one, I find myself in quite a quandary. So I’ve come up with my own 10-step (I know it really should’ve been 12) plan to avoid the withdrawal symptoms and help me survive the strike.

July 2007

Elmo Heads to Primetime this Christmas

Parents make sure you set your Tivo for ABC this holiday season because Elmo and friends are headed to prime time for a Christmas special with a host of guest stars.