public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from vacelts with tag "season 3"

November 2008

Cheerleader in Peril as ‘the Eclipse’ Starts on Heroes

In Heroes “The Eclipse Part 1,” the eclipse has begun and it’s having the reverse effect of the one we saw in Season 1. But we knew exactly what was going to happen this episode because we saw Arthur’s sketches at the beginning.

Is Heroes in Trouble?

Fans of NBC’s Heroes have the night off this week, but two of the show’s producers have the night off permanently. Is this shake up a sign that the end is near for the once super hit series?

October 2008

Heroes Form, Break Alliances on ‘Eris Quod Sum’

Loyalties are more than divided on Heroes these days. On “Eris Quod Sum” we saw allegiance cross and double cross. And who is at the center of all the chaos - the Petrellis.

Arthur Petrelli’s Power Revealed on Heroes

The Petrellis are a complicated family and apparently the heart of Heroes. Tonight on “Dying of the Light” we see a perfectly healthy Petrelli patriarch use his power on his own son while the rest of his family is incapacitated.

Arthur Petrelli Lives on Heroes, But is He an Angel or a Monster?

On tonight’s “Angels and Monsters,” Heroes dropped a bombshell. The yet unseen patriarch of the Petrelli family - long thought dead by his own hand - was show still alive and running his own “company.” And guess what this company’s logo is?

Who are the Real Villains on Heroes’ ‘I Am Become Death’?

On tonight’s episode of Heroes, “I am Become Death,” Peter and Matt both see (one by dream and one by time travel) four years into the future and given what they see you have to wonder which of our heroes are actually heroes and which are villains.

September 2008

Heroes’ Sylar Goes to Work for Mommy in ‘One of Us’

Paternity seems to be the key to the shockers on the third season of Heroes. Last week we learned that Angela is Sylar’s mom and this week in “One of Us, One of Them” we find another one of our heroes questioning their origins.

Heroes Returns with Double Feature Season 3 Premiere

Tonight Heroes returned with a two-hour premiere - “The Second Coming” and “The Butterfly Effect” - opening Volume 3: Villains with a literal barrage of plot twists.

Supernatural Brings Dean Back in ‘Lazarus Rising’

Last night Supernatural returned for its fourth season with “Lazarus Rising,” an episode that marks Dean’s return from Hell. And let me tell you the episode was awesome. My only complaint about the episode is that it wasn’t longer.

Is Bones the Same without Zach?

When Zach was revealed as Gormogon’s accomplice in the Season 3 finale of Bones, I was in shock. I can only imagine what his co-workers and friends felt.

Supernatural Returns and Dean is Back!

For an entire season of Supernatural last year I sat on the edge of my seating wondering how Sam and Dean were going to get Dean out of the deal he made at the end of the second season with the crossroads demon trading his life after a year for Sam’s. Imagine my surprise last May, when no loop hole was found and Dean was sent to Hell!

May 2008

Bones’ Big Finish Leaves One of their Own in Danger

I thought last night’s Bones was going to be a fun episode in which Bones and Booth poked fun at wannabe singers and shows like American Idol. However, I was not prepared for the episodes’ serious ending that left one of their own in peril.

March 2008

Supernatural Lives, But Will Dean?

Happy days are here - at least in my household. CW announced Monday that it has picked up my favorite show - Supernatural. But fans can now rest a little easy knowing the fate of its favorite series has been secured - at least for another year - and start focusing on the fate of Dean (Jensen Ackles) and the possibility of a spin off.

October 2007

Look who will be vamping it up on ‘Supernatural’

The premiere of the third season of Supernatural is less than a week awhile. While I can’t wait for the return of the Winchester boys, I am equally excited about this season’s guest stars. At the top of the list is an Angel/Buffy alumnus Mercedes McNabb. *** The following might contain some spoilers***

September 2007

Bones’ Season Premiere is a Nail Biter

After a season finale last spring full of surprises, Bones opens its third season with a nail biter — or should I say bone biter — of a mystery.