public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from waitforme with tag online

May 2007

Pool Halls

This site is dedicated to promoting the country's best places to play pool and billiards. Please contribute by recommending your favorite pool rooms. Thank you!

Online Candian Pharmacy

The Latest Vogue on Drugs! Best resource for pharmacy and drug news!

April 2007

ordering yasmin

Discount prescription drugs for international customers.

canadian pharmacy rx

Big Savings on brand name drugs! All drugs mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners and are not owned by or affiliated with Planetdrugsdirect or any of its associated companies.

Prescription medication in Canada

Big Savings on brand name drugs! All drugs mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners and are not owned by or affiliated with Planetdrugsdirect or any of its associated companies.

March 2007

Affiliate Program

How to build a profitable business completely on the Internet from the comfort of your own home office- How to use SFI's powerful, proven system to create an income stream that can gradually replace your current job or career-How to earn income globally, 24 hours a day --both "front-end cash" AND ongoing, "back-end" Renewal Income ("do it once, get paid forever" residual-style income)

Canadian pharmacy

by 2 others
Pharmacy is an online Canadian pharmacy that provides Canadian pharmacy drugs to patients at discount prices. Pharmacy is proud to have the highest Canada Pharmacy rating from Pharmacy who reports credential and customer feedback regarding Canadian pharmacy and Canadian or Canada pharmacy drugs. Pharmacy is also one of the original IMPAC accredited Canada Pharmacies.