[ iD2 ] [ Paper Facts ]
Check out our collected paper facts and we believe you'll want to reduce your use at home and at work too. Eco Design Paper Facts [ PDF | 72KB ]
Educational Signs to Encourage Double-sided Printing and Copying - Corporate Partnerships - Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Defense has created twelve educational signs as part of an effort to reduce copy paper use through our work with Citigroup. Please use the signs in your office to encourage double-sided printing and copying, which reduces paper use, helps the environment and cuts costs.
PEM | Origami Now Folding Station 2007
origami video
Blufire Software - Want a mac?
The Paper Series is a collection of graphics, that are meant to be downloaded, printed out, cut out, and glued/folded ("assembled") to create a 3D object, which is supposed to resemble its real-life counterpart... basically, it's just paper models, like paper Macs, paper...
The Paper Airplane Guy
incredible how one can control a paper airplaine
(9 marks)