October 2006
Téléchargements gratuits pour Mac - freeware - Démo - Beta
by 6 othersTous les logiciels sélectionnés sur Mac Gratuit vous sont présentés avec un maximum d'images et de détails pour vous aider dans votre choix. N'hésitez pas à poster des commentaires sur les logiciels pour informer les autres MacUsers.
September 2006
everyday software : show desktop
(via)Show Desktop is a small OS X application that will hide all applications and shows the desktop when clicked. It can run in the menu bar or the dock depending on your preference. Furthermore, shift-clicking on the icon will show all applications for quick access. Show Desktop can also be configured with an exclusion list for more precise user control.
Cocoatech: Path Finder 4.5
by 3 othersPath Finder is an innovative file browser and manager with powerful tools to make you more productive on Mac OS X.
An overview of File Buddy 9
(via)File Buddy is best thought of as a collection of tools for managing the vast number of files and folders found on your hard drive. A complete list of what File Buddy can do is too extensive to list in its entirety, but the following lists many of the things you can do with it quickly and easily.
Disk Inventory X
by 3 others (via)Disk Inventory X is a disk usage utility for Mac OS X 10.3 (and later). It shows the sizes of files and folders in a special graphical way called "treemaps".
If you've ever wondered where all your disk space has gone, Disk Inventory X will help you to answer this question.
Raging Menace - MenuMeters
by 3 others (via)MenuMeters is a set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for MacOS X. Although there are numerous other programs which do the same thing, none had quite the feature set I was looking for. Most were windows that sat in a corner or on the desktop, which are inevitably obscured by document windows on a PowerBook's small screen. Those monitors which used the menubar mostly used the NSStatusItem API, which has the annoying tendency to totally reorder my menubar on every login.
Donelleschi Software :: DockFun! (Updated) :: Home
by 1 other (via)DockFun! is a tool to run an infinite number of OS X's Dock configuration. For example you'll be able to set up a Dock for Internet applications and a Dock for graphic purpose which you'll turn on, easily, with just a click! It also allows you to edit deeply your Mac OS X dock preferences. Hopefully, it will not only increase your productivity on Mac OS X, but also make very pleasant to organize your applications and documents.
LaunchBar 4
by 1 other (via)LaunchBar is an award winning productivity utility that provides instant access to your applications, documents, contacts and bookmarks, to your music library, to search engines and more, just by entering short abbreviations of the searched item's name.
About DragThing
The main purpose of DragThing is to make items on your Mac such as files, folders, applications, disks, URLs, clippings, and even windows, quickly and easily accessible, while taking up as little space on your screen as possible.
FileBrowse is a new, easy-to-use file/media browser for Mac OS X with many unique features, such as 3D icons/thumbnails, large in-context previews, and powerful grouping and sorting.
Macintosh Internet Software at The Mac Orchard - Welcome!
by 2 othersThe Mac Orchard is a community resource - a carefully cultivated list of the most vital Internet applications and related resources for Macintosh Internet users, along with Internet software reviews contributed from The Mac Orchard's audience. These pages represent the most complete, most up-to-date collection of Macintosh Internet applications available anywhere on the Internet.
by 4 others (via)This is a simple tool to help you develop Ruby on Rails applications on Mac OS X
August 2006
by 14 others (via)iusethis.com is a new way for you to organize your applications as well as discover new ones. You can also use it to check if your apps are up-to-date.
Q - [kju:]
by 2 othersRun Windows, Linux and a lot more Systems on your Mac. Q is a feature packed cocoa port of QEMU: Switch fast between guest PCs. Save and restart guest PCs at any stage. Easily exchange Files between Host and Guest. Q makes use of OS X most advanced technologies like openGL, quartz and coreaudio to accelerate your experience with your guest PC. Please remember: At the present state, QEMU is still considered ALPHA software.
OpenSoft Development: Todos
by 2 others (via)Sometimes you just don't want to take time going to your Applications folder or searching around your hard drive. Just click a quick hotkey (Command-Option-Control-T) and Todos will simply appear.
June 2006
(23 marks)