May 2006
Yahoo! Tech: Reviews, help, and how-to advice for buying and using personal electronics : Yahoo! Tech
by 6 othersYahoo has launched the latest in their family of sites - the Yahoo Tech resource for finding information about all products tech.
The site provides a clean interface to information on technology-related products using technologies like Flash, a tag cloud, and my personal favorite feature, the Ajax-enabled dynamic product search. From the main page, simply search for any term you’d like and you’ll be presented with the default listing of the items it finds. From there, you can use the menu on the left to narrow down the results of the search and fine-tune it to what you’re looking for.
The controls allow you to adjust the max price (via a slider), select brand names or feature types and sort them by price/rating/etc. If you have a Yahoo login, you can even choose to save items to a temporary storage and compare them with a click of a button. And, when you view the product, you can leave your feedback and use their Ajax-enabled star rating system to give an overall score.
November 2005
(3 marks)