public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags ***** & design


100+ Open Courseware Collections for Aspiring Web Devs - Web Hosting Unleashed

by springnet
free tutorials and collections from top universities and well-respected websites to train you in areas like web design, graphics and imaging, programming and coding, multimedia, connecting with your audience, and even learning freelancing and entrepreneur

Scott Robbin

by springnet is a side-project that I worked on with friend and Humanized co-worker, Aza Raskin. Songza lets you search for a song that's stuck in your head, play it, and even share with your friends.

Doug March » Design, Development and Music Intelligence

by springnet
With today being Super Tuesday, two days after Super Sunday and the same day as Mardi Gras we thought it would be good to make some updates to politweets.

chrisbrogan's bookmarks on

by springnet
remarkably relevant bookmarks on business, software, art, design, learning, linux, web 2.0, gtd, howto, research, acme, illustration, entrepreneur, podcasting, dly, bsmin, podcast, graphics, bizinbox, blogs, wordpress, blog, mp3, photos, rss, free, etc.

Behance :: Overall Concept

by springnet
The Behance team studies exceptionally productive people and teams working in the creative fields. We document the methods and resources that productive creative professionals use to push their ideas forward. By invitation only.


Web Worker Daily

by springnet
rebooting the workforce, daily tips on working on the web

8 great digg-like social networks for designers in 2008 - web design news

by springnet
These sites are a fantastic starting point for any creative task and should be the first place to start when searching for a little quick and dirty inspiration (after you visit this site of course).



Essential bookmarks for web-designers and webdevelopers | CSS, Color Tools, Royalty free photos, Usability etc.

by nhoizey & 37 others (via)
In a nutshell, I uploaded the page somewhere in the middle of April; "Web-Dev-Bookmarks' was weekly updated, new links were added; consequently, the visitors started to lose track on a huge number of links; the page has become packed with numerous references which have made the navigation and the use of bookmarks more complex. So the reason for changing the basic concept of this project was a huge number of suggestions and links, which have overflooded my mailbox recently.

Active users

last mark : 16/05/2008 02:32

last mark : 15/09/2006 06:15

last mark : 09/06/2005 08:59