27 October 2005
Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review
by BeerBSD & 46 others (via)__ D-Lib Magazine; April 2005; Volume 11 Number 4; ISSN 1082-9873; Social Bookmarking Tools (I); A General Review; Tony Hammond, Timo Hannay, Ben Lund, and Joanna Scott; Nature Publishing Group; {t.hammond, t.hannay, b.lund, j.scott}@nature.com
09 October 2005
Social Bookmarking Tools (I): A General Review
by thauser & 46 others__ D-Lib Magazine; April 2005; Volume 11 Number 4; ISSN 1082-9873; Social Bookmarking Tools (I); A General Review; Tony Hammond, Timo Hannay, Ben Lund, and Joanna Scott; Nature Publishing Group; {t.hammond, t.hannay, b.lund, j.scott}@nature.com
03 October 2005
(3 marks)