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PUBLIC MARKS with tags 一行禪師 & 生活態度

15 August 2009 14:00


by blackgoldfish
正念的意思是,保持覺知,在當下完全知道自己在做甚麼。 我腦海雜念奇多。還沾沾自喜可以multi-tasking。其實每一個當下,也不夠用心。


by blackgoldfish
跟隨禪師去習禪,連走路吃飯,也要重新學起。城市人,慣於憂心,擅長揹著恐懼前行。但在佛堂內禪師指導我們呼吸,吸入空氣,感受生命力,呼出時微笑,隨時隨地,便可保持身心祥和。心靜,內在的本來面目才會呈現,我們才能了解自己為何煩惱,為何憤怒。   坐禪外,還有行禪,又再觀呼吸、微笑;步行時,感受腳掌和大地接吻,內心邊唸:「我自在,我不動,到家園,到家園……」圍著寺廟緩緩走一遍,已吻遍了大地。   到大夥兒中午吃飯,祭五臟廟的禪機,便是體會吃的愉悅心情。把笟菜送進嘴裏時,請和它微笑,感受一塊豆腐、一條青菜背後蘊藏的陽光和生命。就這樣,大家吃得靜默、吃得深情,桌上的齋菜,很快被我們「感激」淨盡了。

Verses for Daily Living

by blackgoldfish
Following the Breath Breathing in, I calm my body Breathing out, I smile Dwelling in the present moment I know this is a wonderful moment Breathing in, I know I am breathing in And breathing, out I know As the in-breath goes deep The out-breath grows slow Breathing in makes me calm Breathing out brings me ease With the in breath, I smile With the out breath, I release Breathing in, there is only the present moment Breathing out, it is a wonderful moment In, Out Deep, Slow Calm, Ease Smile, Release Present moment, Wonderful moment

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