public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags BGL & graph

01 October 2006

Large Graph Layout (LGL)

by YukuanMark
LGL is a compendium of applications for making the visualization of large networks and trees tractable. LGL was specifically motivated by the need to make the visualization and exploration of large biological networks more accessible. Essentially the netw

28 August 2006

Boost to Python

by YukuanBlog

15 August 2006

Boost Graph Library - Python Bindings

by YukuanMark
The Boost Graph Library Python bindings (which we refer to as "BGL-Python") expose the functionality of the Boost Graph Library and Parallel Boost Graph Library as a Python package, allowing one to perform computation-intensive tasks on graphs (or network

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag BGL

boost +   cpp +   graph +   math +   python +  

Active users

last mark : 01/10/2006 15:42

last mark : 28/08/2006 21:06