public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags Pedagogy & digitalculture

November 2006

Connectivism Blog

by jlesage & 1 other
a new theory of education and learning, for a digital Internet culture

Low Probability of Racoons - Hypertext and Flash animated poems

by jlesage
uses the duration of video to make kinetic poetry that has a narrative in the words and beyond them; nice example for students of simple form with complex effects

Knowing Knowledge

by jlesage
useful summary by George Siemens of his ideas from new book; educators need to rethink all ideas about knowledge, education, and learning for young people growing up in the Internet era


by jlesage & 1 other
Judy O'Connell, heyjude, also has a wonderful site; this is her blog. All things Web 2.0, especially as related to education.

October 2006

Blogs for Learning

by jlesage
"provide information and resources surrounding the technical, legal, and pedagogical aspects of blogging in the classroom"

The New Face of Learning

by jlesage
"In an environment where it's easy to publish to the globe, it feels more and more hollow to ask students to "hand in" their homework to an audience of one. When we're faced with a flattening world where collaboration is becoming the norm, forcing student

Lesson Plans for Digital Storytelling

by jlesage
this is a lesson plan that could be adapted for different ages or kinds of classes, e.g., composition or video production or narrative arts

Teaching Writing in the Space of Blackboard

by jlesage
Since many teachers use Blackboard, this is useful to them in analyzing how students negotiate aspects of that site and its technologies.

July 2006

Surftrail: Anders Fagerjord's Blog

by jlesage
attractively designed blog tracing the thinkers the author found useful in areas of internet and blog theory, as well as other conceptual pursuits, categorized on the left side of the page

Active users

last mark : 20/11/2006 16:05