Woffu - Adaptate a la ley del teletrabajo
by asteriGestion online de vacaciones, presencia, ausencia de empleados.
Snipshot:在线图片编辑 - 息乐园
by jackiegeSnipshot是一个在线的图片编辑服务,和大部分同类服务一样,只能进行简单的缩放、旋转、截取以及色深、对比、亮度的调节,不过速度相当不错,支持格式包括gif、png、jpg、pdf、tif等,可以从本地上传图片或者使用在线链接
Itzle - Hive 7 Meets Chatsum - Mashable*
by jackiegeAnd if the major marketing channels for social applications are through blog widgets and MySpace pages, then these browser add-ins will have a tough time gaining visibility. These tools only become useful (and profitable) if they can achieve critical mass - I think that’s going to be an uphill struggle.
(6 marks)