February 2006
Florida Parental Notification Abortion Law Constitutional, Federal Judge Rules
by jasontrommA Federal judge has turned back a request from the Planned Parenthood abortion business to stop enforcement of a parental notification law that requires it and other abortion centers to let the parents of a minor teen know when she's thinking of having an abortion.
January 2006
Alito: No Person Is Above the Law
by jasontromm (via)With abortion and executive privilege to be two huge issues facing Samuel Alito during his confirmation hearing this week, the Supreme Court nominee said Monday that a good judge always keeps an open mind and that no person is above the law.
September 2005
Some judges are ducking cases of teenagers seeking abortions
by jasontromm (via)A pregnant teenager went to the grand and imposing county courthouse here early in the summer, saying she wanted an abortion. The circuit court judge refused to hear the case and announced that he would recuse himself from any others like it.
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