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PUBLIC MARKS with tags ajax & java



Liberator - the real time Ajax / Comet streaming server

by vrossign
rces of data and building application logic, and full documentation.

Google App Engine - Google Code

by Emaux
Run your web apps on Google's infrastructure.


WaveMaker Software™

by parmentierf (via)
WaveMaker est un environnement visuel de développement rapide de logiciel. Vous débutez avec le langage Javascript et votre ambition est d’écrire vos premières applications Ajax, WaveMaker peut vous aider. Avec de simples glisser/déposer, vous pouvez facilement construire vos applications web utilisant des widget Ajax, des services web et des bases de données, le tout sans avoir de codes complexes à écrire !


Best Practices for Applying Ajax to JSR 168 Portlets

by holyver & 1 other (via)
A year ago, the article Asynchronous Rendering of Portlet Content With Ajax Technology demonstrated how to apply Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) to portlets. Since then, Ajax has become increasingly popular in the software arena and many new Ajax technologies have emerged. Examples are JavaScript libraries and toolkits, such as the Dojo Toolkit, the Yahoo! UI Library, the Google Web Toolkit,, and DHTML Goodies. In addition, new standards bodies like Open Ajax and the Dojo Foundation are key players. In light of the many developments in the past year and the host of feedback on how to use Ajax in portlets, this article describes several helpful tips and practices on how best to exploit Ajax in portlets that comply with the Java Specification Request (JSR) 168: Portlet Specification.

What is jQuery? « Program source

by spaceufo
Created by John Resig in early 2006, jQuery is a great library for anyone who works with JavaScript code. Whether you’re new to the JavaScript language and want a library to address some of the complexities of Document Object Model (DOM) scripting and Ajax or you’re an advanced JavaScript guru and tired of the boring repetition involved with DOM scripting and Ajax, jQuery will suit you well.

Chat en Ajax

by lecyborg & 2 others
Ajax Chat Engine ACE est un moteur un Chat qui permet de communiquer via votre navigateur, sans aucun applet JAVA. Ajax Chat Engine est divisé en deux parties : * ACE Server Totalement indépendant, le server simule un server HTTP et forge ses informations telles que la technologie AJAX peut les interpreter. Developpé en C et grace aux tables de Hashages, les performances sont incontestablement puissantes et peu gourmandes en ressources. MySQL est utilisé uniquement lors du Login de l'user pour plus de praticité, ensuite le server gère lui même la gestion des informations. * ACE client Developpé en JavaScript grace à la technologie AJAX, le client n'a besoin d'aucun programme exterieur comme un applet JAVA ou CGI. La légèreté et portabilité de ACE Client est donc son atout principal.

Home - Sahi - Web Automation and Test Tool

by jpcaruana (via)
Sahi is an automation and testing tool for web applications, with the facility to record and playback scripts. Developed in java and javascript, this tool uses simple javascript to execute events on the browser. Features include: * in-browser controls * intelligent recorder * text based scripts * ant support for playback of suites of tests * multi threaded playback * HTTP and HTTPS support * AJAX support Sahi runs as a proxy server and the browser needs to use the sahi server as its proxy. Sahi then injects javascript so that it can access elements in the webpage. This makes the tool independent of the website/ web application. Sahi is a free, open source software released under the Apache License Version 2.0

Le blog de L'ami S'ami - Eclipse se met au RAP

by ipolugic & 1 other
j’avoue que la multiplication des Framework AJAX commence à être de plus en plus problématique. Problématique pour nous techniciens qui commençons à être de plus en plus submergés par autant de nouveautés (même si dans la pratique, peu innovent finalement). Et problématique pour le marché et les utilisateurs car du coup, plus personne ne sait aujourd’hui ce qu'il doit choisir dans le cadre d'un nouveau développement Web entre JSF, JSP, Struts 2 (j’y viendrais), GWT, Eclipse RAP, Echo2 ou DOJO (je ne parle pas de Zk, JMaki et autres Bindows et Backbase).

Using JavaServer Faces Technology with AJAX

by roulian
The Java 2 Enterprise Edition includes JavaServer Faces technology, which provides a mature and extensible user interface component model. The design of this model makes it easy for application developers to create custom components by extending the standard components included with JavaServer Faces technology and to reuse these components across applications.

Ajax JSP Tag Library

by roulian & 14 others
The AJAX Tag Library is a set of JSP tags that simplify the use of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technology in JavaServer Pages. AJAX is primarily rooted in JavaScript. However, many server-side developers do not have an extensive knowledge of client-side programming in the browser. It's much easier in some cases for J2EE developers, especially, to simply add a JSP tag to the page to gain the function desired. This tag library fills that need by not forcing J2EE developers to write the necessary JavaScript to implement an AJAX-capable web form. The tag library provides support for live form updates for the following use cases: autocomplete based on character input to an input field, select box population based on selections made from another field, callout or balloon popups for highlighting content, refreshing form fields, and toggling images and form field states on/off.

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