public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags download & upload


Coquelicot — "one-click" file sharing with a focus on privacy

by oseres (via)
Coquelicot — /kɔ.kli.ko/ — is a “one-click” file sharing web application with a focus on protecting users’ privacy. Basic principle: users can upload a file to the server, in return they get a unique URL which can be shared with others in order to download the file. Coquelicot aims to protect, to some extent, users and system administrators from disclosure of the files exchanged from passive and not so active attackers.

Simple Amazon Glacier Uploader

by rmaltete (via)
Amazon Glacier is a long-term persistent file-storage system for cold data storage. The Simple Amazon Glacier Uploader aims to be an upload and download solution that is as durable as your data. SAGU is a single .jar file Glacier interface written in Java for cross-platform accessibility. The use of Java assures that you will have access to your files regardless of your operating system when it is time to retrieve your data.


Docstoc – Documents, Templates, Forms, Ebooks, Papers

by ycc2106 & 10 others
Supported formats .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, .XLSX, .PPT, .PPTX, .TXT, and .RTF.

Scribd -Put your docs online.

by ycc2106 & 47 others
Annotated link


syncr by mike pulaski

by nhoizey
Syncr is a desktop application that allows you to download and sync your photos with Flickr. You can also automatically sync a specified folder with Flickr and maintain your photo sets automatically. It's simple to use, free, and open source.



by marcogiallo
Print your pins! Crea e stampa le tue spille, consulta il catalogo o crea quella che hai in mente. Oppure cerca e acquista stickers e T-shirts.

Fire Uploader

by nhoizey & 1 other
As the name says, this firefox extension allows you to upload/download files from any website using a friendly interface. In this version, only (1GB of free space) & Flickr (photo sharing) are supported. Next versions would support other websites like Youtube, Google Videos, Yahoo photos etc.

Test de vitesse - débit upload et download

by fanch77
Test ADSL : testez le débit de votre bande passante en réception et en émission. Test de vitesse en upload et download de votre connexion.


by Tetsuo6995 & 21 others
Ce service d'upload similaire a beaucoup de ses concurents (megaupload rapidshare etc..) possede quelques atouts interessants. Du moins pour le moment :) Pas de pub, telechargement et envoie de fichiers illimité et pas de temps limité avant suppression pour les fichiers en questions. Affaire a suivre donc ...


FileCrunch - Upload, download, share and comment!

by ganny & 2 others
You can upload and share all your files here. It can auto generate BBCodes HTML and blog links. Ability to add comments with unlimited downloads!

Active users

last mark : 25/06/2013 13:33

last mark : 03/03/2013 15:59

last mark : 26/10/2009 09:23

last mark : 23/10/2009 13:03

last mark : 07/03/2009 18:13

last mark : 27/12/2008 21:49

last mark : 11/11/2008 08:06

last mark : 13/09/2008 15:48

last mark : 11/11/2007 02:07

last mark : 21/07/2008 19:52

last mark : 22/02/2007 14:46

last mark : 02/02/2007 11:39

last mark : 21/01/2007 20:31

last mark : 05/01/2007 22:14

last mark : 20/11/2006 14:58