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PUBLIC MARKS with tags education & linux


Trisquel on Sugar | Trisquel GNU/Linux - Run free!

by tadeufilippini (via)
Trisquel on Sugar SugarWe have a new project, a live -and installable- CD/USB image running the latest Sugar learning platform: "The award-winning Sugar Learning Platform promotes collaborative learning through Sugar Activities that encourage critical thinking, the heart of a quality education. Designed from the ground up especially for children, Sugar offers an alternative to traditional “office-desktop” software." This new project will improve the Trisquel Edu system, providing a nice educational environment for first grade students. We hope this will also be the start of a productive relationship with the SugarLabs folks, who helped us a lot to achieve this release. Many thanks to Aleksey Lim and to everyone at the Sugar project for giving us this wonderful software! The project was presented during the Software Freedom Day 09 event organized by the Free Software Foundation. Briefly introduced by Walter Bender, founder of SugarLabs, our Sugar+Trisquel solution provides a way to run this excelent educational software in a fully free system. Trisquel 3.0 was also featured in the FSF event, running on the computers available for the public on site. Highligts Built using the latest Sugar and Trisquel versions available. Installable live CD, with MD5 self-checking utility. Persistent user data in live-usb sessions, graphical usb-creator included. Boot menu with 30 selectable languages. LTSP thin client support using a Trisquel Edu server. Sugar style artwork. Testing You can help us and the Sugar project by testing the release candidate iso image: Send any bugs you find to our bug tracker. We will also report them upstream in case they are not caused by the Trisquel base system.


Linux Schools - Server OS

by jdrsantos
"The Linux Schools Project provides an operating system that installs a server or set of servers based on your school needs, some of the roles available are: PDC, File, Print, Web and Proxy. "



Processing 1.0 (BETA)

by ycc2106 & 19 others
Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. It is created to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context and to serve as a software sketchbook

EducaMadrid - MAX: MAdrid_linuX

by jdrsantos
Esta distribución incorpora el sistema operativo y un conjunto de aplicaciones didácticas, respetando al máximo la configuración de los equipos informáticos de los posibles usuarios, así como su eventual convivencia con otros sistemas ya instalados.

Freeduc-primary, a live-cd for primary school - OFSET

by jdrsantos & 4 others
Until now, and probably for a while in most heads, the GNU/Linux system at school has been perceived as a good replacement of other proprietary servers. However the server is probably the least important things in term of freedom in a school network. It d

Edubuntu Home Page | edubuntu

by jdrsantos & 7 others
"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". The Edubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to schools, through its customised school environment. The current version of Edubuntu is aimed at classroom use, and future ver


Linux Technical Skills Assessment

by maddoxeric
Take a FREE! linux skills assessment test for the next couple of months. Regularly $49.00 or something like that.


by kaihsyn & 3 others
不用去買書啦! 看這個網站就夠了!

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