public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags education & search


iSEEK - Education

by ycc2106
iSEEK™ Education is a targeted search engine that compiles hundreds of thousands of authoritative resources from university, government, and established noncommercial providers. It provides time-saving intelligent search and a personal Web-based library to help you locate the most relevant results immediately and find them quickly later.



Top 10 Movies With a Social Message

by Brian_Corrigan
The recent Oscar excitement has inspired the team to produce our list of the “Top 10 Movies With a Social Message”. Without any further adieu here is our list!

What Good Can One Cent per Search Really Do?

by Brian_Corrigan
I have received a few questions recently about the potential impact a search engine like, which donates 50% of all revenue to charity, could actually have. Below is what could be funded by in just one year...



by jlesage & 8 others
goal is to record all the books in the public domain; lots of audio-lit here

Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need

by jlesage & 9 others
how to refine a topic and its searches; updated for web 2.0 and specialty searching; good for anyone starting to do Internet research on a topic and will take you to some previously unused search tools

TeacherSource | . Tag - You're Delicious! | PBS

by jlesage
may 06 discussion of how delicious works; useful overview and collection of comments. PBS teachersouce is also worth visiting from time to time

ArtLex Art Dictionary

by jlesage & 3 others
search, arranged in alphabetical order, large number of terms

Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources | OEDb

by jlesage & 7 others
The invisible web, or deep web, is estimated to be 500 times bigger than the searchable web and comprises databases and results of specialty search engines that the popular search engines can't index.

Four Nets for Better Searching

by jlesage
how to best use Google's advanced search feature; spend less time getting better results

Internet Search, Web Design, Online Marketing & more ...

by jlesage
an overview search site that gives information on various kinds of search engines and how to improve search; very useful for teaching; can do search from this site, too

Pandia Powersearch, all-in-one list of search engines and directories

by jlesage & 1 other
new search engine that also has useful tutorial on how to search and explanations of all the major search engines; good for college students to learn how to use Internet most effectively

Intute - the best Web resources for education and research

by jlesage & 4 others
UK academics and researchers write entries on many topics of interest, a bit like an encyclopedia that you ask questions of.

"film theory" - Prefound2

by jlesage
As always when I try out a new search engine, I search on "film theory." This site usefully brings up links to syllabi as well as other sites.

Clusty the Clustering Engine

by jlesage & 56 others
This is a top-notch new kind of search engine (Web 2.0). My test case for searches is "film theory" as the search term, and such a search brought me many new resources I was previously unaware of.

Active users

last mark : 15/11/2009 13:52

last mark : 11/12/2008 21:34

last mark : 21/09/2008 13:35

last mark : 28/03/2007 08:30

last mark : 27/03/2007 09:45

last mark : 26/11/2006 15:08

last mark : 22/06/2006 06:31