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PUBLIC MARKS with tags eng & blogtech

29 November 2005

Tag Passing: The Story So Far - Freshblog

by ecmanaut
Greg, your ideas are much too good to be hidden buried in the deep web like this, in some un-RSS-tracked comment somewhere, with just barely a permanent URI. (John might happen to update his template to use the Blogger standard comment URI permalinks <b>#

28 November 2005

Magic JSON feeds

by ecmanaut
<i>Comment threading is something the blogosphere should eventually catch onto, but almost no one does that yet. While lack of comment RSS is a pain, you'll note that I </i>do<i> have one for my site via mailbucket and a nice forwarding system on Gmail.</

27 November 2005

Browservulsel: Custom Blogger comments form (4): spam protection

by ecmanaut
Might I suggest some smallish but useful-per-work-involved upgrades to this? (I'm actually mostly interested in the changes applied to your blog, but it would most likely be useful to the wider public adopiting your code too.)<br><br>1: Make the datestamp

26 November 2005

Category Integration Between Sites - Freshblog

by ecmanaut
You're very welcome, Greg; I'm much in favour of all of my improvements / tweaks going back into your mainline code, should you want them there.<br><br>I would only add support for picking up tags from "known" referrer tag schemes (scraping relevant bits

18 November 2005

Simpy Instead of for Categories? - Freshblog

by ecmanaut still seems to hold the technical lead with their JSON feeds, as integration with your own site goes -- if we assume we live in a world where we are tied to only using client side solutions -- Libraryclips post their search form by HTTP post t

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last mark : 29/11/2005 00:31