Firefox eZ Debug extension / 3rd party / Contribs
by mbertier (via)This extension ease reading of the debug while having a lot of information in the page. ezpublish needs to be patched for this extension to work.
SourceForge.net: SuoJianSuoDe (SJSD)
by mbertierSJSD provides a fully integrated, feature complete and extensible WYSIWYG open source online editor for eZ publish. It is implemented in the form of a FCKeditor plugin and an eZ publish extension and requires no modification to FCKeditor/eZ publish core.
Datatype: eZObjectrelationbrowse / Datatypes / Contribs
by mbertierThe standard 'browse' method used to relate items in eZ publish proved to be too cumbersome when working with a large number of objects. This datatype uses Ajax to display all available objects in a single, dynamically filterable list.
(3 marks)