public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags feeds & folksonomy

January 2006

December 2005

October 2005

September 2005

June 2005

urlgreyhot : Making libraries more delicious: Social bookmarking in the enterprise

by svartling & 4 others (via)
The idea to take the concept of social bookmarking and turn it into more than just a bookmark saving service came as the result of several different types of requests we've gotten in the past. One type of request was for a way to clip or save articles found on our site digital library site. We aggregate a wide variety of diverse sources. The most relevant databases include vendor news (e.g. feeds from Factiva for newspapaers and journals) and internal databases (e.g. internal news publications, technical documents repository).

Active users

last mark : 20/01/2006 13:19

last mark : 30/12/2005 00:34

last mark : 24/10/2005 13:53

last mark : 14/09/2005 12:34

last mark : 30/06/2005 19:26

last mark : 10/06/2005 06:41