December 2006 :: Volume 10, Issue 10
by jlesage & 2 othersCanadian film journal online since 1997, wide coverage of independent and international film; many resources
November 2006
by jlesagea cultural studies ejournal, with essays on literature and film; fall 06 issue is on blogging theories and practices.
Senses of Cinema
by jlesageone of the best online film journals; exhaustive and regularly updated links page
October 2006
Counterblast :: The E-journal of Communication and Culture
by jlesagereviews in cultural studies, film, and television; from NYU
Expanding the Frame on International Cinema - Welcome to Cinema Scope Magazine Online. Issue 28
by jlesageCanadian ejournal of film studies
Bright Lights Film Journal | Welcome!
by jlesage & 1 otherwell designed web site, excellent essays, covers experimental and gay/lesbian work
September 2006
Visual Ethnography and Anthropology Links
by jlesageof interest to anyone interested in documentary
Lens On Lebanon
by jlesage"documentary material, photo narratives, and video diaries of daily life conceived, produced, and contributed by residents of Lebanon"
July 2006
by jlesageimportant journal covering independent and avant-garde films; complete index; online essays begin with issue no. 26, fall 1992
Bright Lights Film Journal | Welcome!
by jlesage & 1 otherattractive online journal with especially good coverage of avant-garde, gay and lesbian, and documentary film
Film-Philosophy ejournal
by jlesage & 3 othershas critical discussions from readers, with past entries summarized; good roundup of current journal and publications
Senses of Cinema
by jlesage & 2 others"the serious and eclectic discussion of cinema"; has excellent updated links to electronic film and media sites
Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media
by jlesageanalyses with extensive visual examples; archives of print issues since 1974